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Phoenix Rising

Afholdt event

Phoenix Rising

Fra GBP 10,00



18 nov 2017 kl. 19:30 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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*** Promenade Performance ***

Phoenix Rising follows the first steps of an 18-year-old leaving care - steps that lead straight into poverty, bad company and the constant attacks of his worst enemy – himself. Out on the track, he is untouchable. No-one can get near him. But when his wings start to fail him, he will have to face his demons, to make one final flight.

Director Maggie Norris
Associate Director Sammy Glover
Writer Andrew Day
Movement Direction Maggie Norris and Osman Enver
Fight Director Kate Waters
Designer Emma Bailey
Lighting Designer Zoe Spurrs
Sound Designer Ed Clarke
Assistant Director Fran Oliveras



Meeting Point:

THE HOPE, SMITHFIELD. 94 Cowcross St, Clerkenwell, London EC1M 6BH.

Start your journey and get warmed up at The Hope where you will be greeted by The Big House team. Go to the area marked 'box office' to collect your tickets before being whisked across the road to this unique performance venue.

Exclusive meal and drink deal at The Hope: £10 for pie and a pint.

Important Information:

1. Please arrive at the meeting point (upstairs at The Hope) from 7pm but no later than 7.15pm;

2. There are no toilet facilities at the performance venue. There are toilet facilities at our meeting point: upstairs at The Hope;

3. There is no re-entry to the performance venue if you choose to exit during the middle of a performance;

4. If you have any access requirements please call the team on 020 7923 9955 before you book tickets. Phoenix Rising is a promenade piece that takes place underground and only accessible by stairs so this may not be suitable for all patrons;

5. Age restriction: 12+;

6. Please avoid bringing large bags with you to the performance as we have limited secure space for storing them inside the venue;

7. Tickets will go off-sale 1 hour before each performance.


Praise for previous The Big House productions:
“Visceral storytelling. Shot through with moments of pure theatre, graced with vivid, moving performances by an excellent young cast. A stirring opening statement from this exciting new theatre group.”

Jez Butterworth (Jerusalem)

“I’ve seen quite a lot of this sort of work with young people, but rarely anything so passionately or so brilliantly acted, and even more rarely so beautifully staged.”

Michael Coveney

“They were funny and incredibly moving. And at the end , the audience stood up and gave them a well deserved ovation. Because they were that good. Go see it.”

Sir Lenny Henry CBE

“Within all of us there is a poem, within all of us there is a painting, within all of us there is a novel, within all of us there is a real expression of what we want to see of the world. And what The Big House does is open it up and bring it out. It’s wonderful. I loved every minute of it.”

Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party


The Big House is a charity working with care leavers and at risk young people. We stage high profile theatre and film productions. www.thebighouse.uk.com


Smithfield Market, Buyers Walk W Market, EC1A 9PS London


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