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De GBP 8,00



25 Juil 2019 21:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


PARTS OF LOVE presents an amalgamation of work from the L-E-V repertoire, each exploring the dark and compulsive rhythm of love. Specially composed for Bold Tendencies, these PARTS OF LOVE performances will bring together elements from OCD Love (2016) and Love Chapter 2 (2018), as well as completely new material. These performances are the first in a cycle of work Sharon Eyal is making for Bold Tendencies in the top floors of the multi-storey car park.

“I believe that when you search into something very deeply, the subject doesn’t have to be something new – the approach has to be new. How you present it and how you share it”

— Sharon Eyal

This summer, Sharon Eyal, Gai Behar and their full company of dancers and creative team are coming to London to Bold Tendencies.

L-E-V (meaning heart) is the confluence of movement, light, fashion, music and technology. With performances as much at home in a nightclub as they are the opera house, L-E-V will now occupy the top floors of a brutalist multi-storey car park.

These performances mark the first week of their ambitious, month-long residency as part of the Bold Tendencies summer programme

“Eyal has created a disruptive new relationship between pop culture and classical dance… Eyal pushes the body to extremes to explore a spectrum of emotion that is dark, obsessive, and beautiful. With remarkable minimalism, pieces trawl the depths of emotion and expression to demonstrate how the body gives voice to the deepest human feelings: fear, love, obsession”

Sleek Magazine

Since 2006, Sharon Eyal and Gai Behar have been a significant voice in the artistic community, creating a repertoire of critically acclaimed original works for dance companies around the world as well as working on major projects outside the dance world, notably with Maria Grazia Chiuri, Creative Director at Dior and with American rock band  The National.

In 2013 Eyal and her close collaborator, a curator of multi-disciplinary art events Gai Behar, founded L-E-V Dance Company. The culmination of years of experimentation, velocity and innovation, L-E-V is a dance ensemble choreographed by Eyal and Behar, delivered to the hypnotic and pulse-driven music of percussionist and techno musician Ori Lichtik and lighting design by Alon Cohen.   L-E-V made its London Debut at Sadler’s Wells in 2016. In July 2018 L-E-V returned to Sadler’s Wells to perform a new work, Love Chapter 2, and presented a major new performance of its prequel, OCD Love, specially considered for the raw concrete architecture of the Bold Tendencies site. 


Bold Tendencies Bold Tendencies, 7th-10th Floors Multi-Storey Car Park, SE15 4ST London

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