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Online Cookery Class: Vegan Thai Street Food

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Online Cookery Class: Vegan Thai Street Food

Från 10,00 GBP



4 dec 2020 18:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Join Kieumy Pham Thai, plant based certified cookery teacher and specialist in Asian cooking, to learn how to prepare healthy authentic 3 course Thai street food menu..

The class will include:

  • Learn to make Chiang Mai, a Thai-Burmese noodle curry, bursting with flavour
  • Make a fresh, crisp and crunchy green mango salad, with the perfect balance between sour, sweet, and salty flavours
  • Create a curry paste from scratch 
  • Make Chè Chuối, a traditional dessert with plantain, coconut milk and tapioca pearls
  • Presentation skills 
  • Opportunity to ask Kieumy questions
  • Recipe handout

For ingredients and equipment needed see below 

About Kieumy

Kieumy was born and raised in France by Vietnamese parents, and she lived in Asia for more than a decade. She trained at Ferrandi, a renowned cookery school in Paris, and later as a Natural Chef and Plant-Based Chef in London. Her style of cooking is strongly influenced by her French-Asian Oriental background and extensive travels. Kieumy is passionate about healthy seasonal food which is good for people and kind to the planet. She founded BOM (Beautiful Wholesome Meals), a social enterprise which employs and trains up refugee women, teaching people to make more conscious choices about the food they eat through sustainable culinary activities. 

Fee: £20 (£10 concession).  All funds raised go towards our community meal service providing free nutritious, tasty meals to households who need them during these challenging times. 

If you are able to donate to our crowdfunder please visit

If you would like to be added to our FREE online community class mailing list - just drop a line to Please note that, in the interest of fairness, opportunities to attend free classes are limited. 

Refunds: we require a minimum of 24 hours' notice for any cancellations or transfers once you have booked onto a class.



Before the class
● Soak the dried red chilis into boiling water for 30min
● Wash and peel the vegetables 
● Have all the ingredients ready and weighted
● Cook the 200g noodles al dente as per instructions, drain and rinse in cold water, set aside
● Blanch the green vegetables, rinse in cold water, set aside

Red Curry Paste (1 teaspoon is required, the rest can be frozen)

● 7 large dried red chilies soaked into boiling water for 30min
● 2 teaspoons coriander seeds
● 2 teaspoons finely chopped galangal root (or root ginger)
● 2 teaspoons finely chopped lemongrass
● 1 teaspoon salt
● 1 tablespoon finely chopped Kaffir lime zest (or regular lime zest)
● 2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
● 2 tablespoons of finely chopped shallots


● 200g dried Chinese wheat or rice noodles (cooked al dente according to instructions, rinsed and set aside)
● 300g of fresh green vegetables (bok choy, spinach, blanched tenderstem broccoli)
● 1 garlic clove finely chopped
● 1 teaspoon red curry paste
● 125ml of rich coconut milk (ideally Aroy D brand with 70% coconut)
● 250ml of vegetables stock
● 1 teaspoon of curry powder
● ¼ teaspoon of ground turmeric 
● 3 tablespoosn of soy sauce
● ½ teaspoon of coconut sugar (or you can use regular sugar)
● 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

● 30g of dried Chinese noodles (to be fried as a topping)
● 1 spring onion coarsely chopped
● 2 shallots finely chopped
● 4 tablespoons of oil (to fry the Chinese noodles)
● 1 lemon cut into wedges
● Coriander leaves

GREEN MANGO SALAD - Serves 4 people (as a big starter)

Before the class
● Wash and peel all vegetables
● Slice the carrot in julienne
● Have all ingredients ready and portioned 


● 1 green mango 500g approx, peeled, de-stoned and slice in thin julienne.
● 1 carrot peeled, sliced in thin julienne
● 1 large red chili pepper, seeds removed, sliced thinly 
● 2 tablespoons fried shallots 
● 3 tablespoons roasted salted peanuts, coarsely chopped 
● Mint, coriander
● Sea salt 

Dressing ingredients: 
● 3 tablespoons soy sauce
● 3 tablespoons lime juice
● 3 tablespoons coconut sugar (or you can use brown sugar)
● 2 garlic cloves minced 
● Chopped fresh chili to your liking


Servings: 4 ramekins

  • 450g ripe Vietnamese bananas, ripe standard bananas or very ripe plantains 
  • 100g coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 3 tablespoon small tapioca balls (available at almost any Asian grocery store or online)
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract (optional)
  • 200ml (reduce the quantity if you want a lighter version) rich coconut milk (ideally Aroy D brand with 55% coconut content).  Do not buy the one in a carton that you might have for your breakfast as it is too watery. 


  • 2 tablespoons roasted peanuts, lightly crushed
  • 2 tablespoons roasted sesame seeds, lightly crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


● Pestle and mortar
● Chopping board and knives
● Saucepan to cook the noodles
● Sieve to drain the noodles
● Frying pan to fry some of the noodles as a topping
● Chopping board and knives
● Serving bowls
● Knives
● Peeler
● Julienne peeler (or a good knife for the mango)

    For information: / 020 8442 4266

      LocationZoom, details to be provided via email (usually the day before the class). Check your junk mail if need be!


      Community Cookery School and charity running vegan cooking classes. All proceeds help fund our community meal service which has become a critical food support service delivering 70,000 free nutritious, tasty meals per year to households struggling to access food, and is needed now more than ever by our community. By supporting our fundraising programme you have an opportunity to learn new skills, support a worthy cause, and enjoy delicious food!



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