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Online Cookery Class: Kimchi and Sauerkraut

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Online Cookery Class: Kimchi and Sauerkraut

De GBP 10,00


Fermenting is a brilliant way of preserving cabbage and other vegetables, and allows us to eat 'living food' all year round. Join our popular cookery teacher and chef, Steve to learn the art and alchemy of making your own fermented gut-loving kimchi and sauerkraut using whatever veg you have available. 

The class will include:

  • How to make your own tasty Korean-style kimchi
  • Make your own delicious sauerkraut 
  • Health benefits of eating fermented foods
  • How to use fermented foods in your cooking to bring an extra flavour dimension to your dishes
  • Q&A
  • Recipe handout

For ingredients and equipment needed see below...

About Steve

Steve Wilson loves a funky pickle, and is an extremely popular Made In Hackney cookery teacher (he was also a hit with Jamie Oliver when he visited us!). Steve is the former Head Chef at The Russet, founder of People’s Kitchen community feasts and founder of The Dalston Cola Company. He has recently been getting obsessed with making his own misos, shoyus, fermented drinks, chilli sauces, salsas and other ferments, and is looking forward to sharing some of this knowledge with you.

Fee: £20 (£10 concession).  All funds raised go towards our community meal service providing free nutritious, tasty meals to households who need them during these challenging times. 

If you are able to donate more than this please visit

If you are unable to donate you can register your interest in our new FREE online community classes - just drop a line to



  • 1 Chinese cabbage (also known as napa cabbage, or any other kind of cabbage if you can't get one)
  • 200g radishes or daikon
  • 2 carrots
  • 4  spring onions
  • 3 cloves  garlic
  • 1 thumb root ginger
  • Sea salt
  • 1 to 5 tablespoons Korean Gochugaru red pepper flakes, or Gochujang paste


  • 1 large white/red cabbage (or half each of red and white cabbage) or whatever veg you have
  • 1-2 tablespoons Sea salt (20g salt to 1 kg vegetables or 2% ratio)

N.B. These two classic ferments are usually made with a cabbage base, but you could ferment tomatoes, courgette, carrots, mushrooms, peppers, whatever you have available at home, we can work with you during the class to ferment whatever ingredients you can get hold of to make your own version of kraut-chi in your own home. You could also add grated carrot, radish, kohlrabi, garlic, ginger or other vegetables or spices as you please. In Germany they like to add caraway seeds, I often make my sauerkraut with mustard seeds, but you could add Indian spicing, or Mexican spicing, I will be encouraging you to be creative and experimental with your ferments!   


  • Fermentation vessels: hold onto those jam jars! They always come in useful. You could also use kilner jars, crocks, or other containers
  • Fermentation weights: a weight is needed to weigh down your vegetables and keep them submerged under liquid during the fermentation process. There are specific weights that are designed for fermentation that fit inside jars, but most fermented tend to be more DIY. You could use a smaller jam jar filled with water that fits inside your fermenting jar, or a clean smooth stone that fits neatly inside your jar, or even a zip lock bag filled with water. Watch this video which explains more about weights
  • Scales, or a teaspoon: to measure your brine ratios
  • Notebook to write down any notes that you want to make
  • 2 mixing bowls 
  • Chopping board  
  • Sharp knife
  • Grater
  • Clean tea towel
  • Elastic band

Refunds: we require a minimum of 24 hours' notice for any cancellations or transfers once you have booked onto a class.

For information: / 020 8442 4266

LocationZoom, details to be provided via email (usually the day before the class). Check your junk mail if need be!


Community Cookery School and charity running vegan cooking classes. All proceeds help fund our community meal service which has become a critical food support service delivering 70,000 free nutritious, tasty meals per year to households struggling to access food, and is needed now more than ever by our community. By supporting our fundraising programme you have an opportunity to learn new skills, support a worthy cause, and enjoy delicious food!




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