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Online Christmas party: G&T (gin & type tasting)

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Online Christmas party: G&T (gin & type tasting)

De GBP 12,00

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Dic 15 2020 19:30 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


G&T (gin & type tasting)
The extraordinary story of gin and printing

With easy-to-source BYO menu

Become an expert as you learn the extraordinary story of gin and printing

This is the most popular Type Tasting event with Sarah Hyndman

7.30pm to 9pm (GMT)
Why not join with friends? 20% discount for three or more regular tickets booked at the same time.
Suitable for all, no experience needed and you can join this virtual session from anywhere in the world.

Take a refreshing and surprising alternative journey through gin, words, labels and typography with extras to taste and smell along the way. This is an extremely popular online event. You’ll learn surprising new stories and gain intriguing knowledge not included in a traditional gin tasting session. Participants say this event is “highly enjoyable”“delicious” and “inspiring”.

Discover how the stories of gin and the history of type are surprisingly entwined through trade routes, continental rivalries, the tumultuous history of printing and how both reflect changing cultural tastes. Sarah's storytelling brings this to life as she intertwines history, social attitudes, popular culture and gin—served up with all your senses.

Find out why historic events dramatically changed tastes in both drinking and printed type. See how typography reflects the attitudes of the time—and how this can feel out of sync a couple of decades later. Explore the storytelling typography of gin labels. From the mainstream classics to the new small batch gins that often have clues to their provenance and their influences hidden in the letterforms.

** Book with friends, 20% discount for 3+ tickets (applies to full price tickets) **

CAMERA ON! You're encouraged to have your camera on because this is a live and interactive Zoom session with fun activities and a dash of theatre. My sessions are created to feel like we're all in the same room together*.

BYO menu
When you book you’ll receive a list of easy-to-source items that will bring the scent of the journey to life and stimulate your taste buds. You don’t need to be a gin drinker to enjoy the evening and there is an alcohol-free option.
Please share a photo of your gin setup with me at or on social media with #TypeTasting (@TypeTasting).

BYO items ready for the session, photos by Reena Clarkson and @saskiaworldwide.

“BRILLIANT evening in the (virtual) company of Sarah Hyndman @typetasting who took us through the relationship & history between Gin & Typography—as well as the mixing of sight, sound, smell, taste & feel. Quite excellent & inspiring” Stuart

“We had a wonderful Gin & Typography session with Sarah Hyndman as a ‘virtual’ social event for a pan-European team. Over 50 employees with partners joined, through zoom, for an entertaining couple of hours where we journeyed through history in an unusual and engaging way. Sarah runs a magnificent workshop that captures peoples imagination and somehow immerses everyone in the whole experience. We were looking for an experience that would really detach us for work and help us to reconnect with each other again. Bravo Sarah .. it was such a hit.” Jon Parker, Illumina

“While on first glimpse gin and typography might look like they have little in common, Sarah Hyndman’s excellent event taught us differently. Informative without being boring, this was a highly enjoyable evening exploring both the history of some typefaces and the history of gin in a larger sociological context. It was also delicious, as this really is a multi-sensory tasting. Each one of us provided our own gin and other ingredients; luckily there was a list and they were easy to source. A perfect way to spend an evening that I would highly recommend!” Alke


Autumn/Winter 2020 dates

Regular event
Thursday 29th October, 7.30pm to 9pm (GMT) Book here

Small group
Friday 6th November, 7.30pm to 9pm (GMT) Sold out

Regular event
Friday 27th November, 7.30pm to 9pm (GMT) Book here

Regular event
Tuesday 15th December, 7.30pm to 9pm (GMT) Book here

Hello, I'm Sarah. I'm the author of a number of books including 'Why Fonts Matter' and 'How to Draw Type and Influence People'. I'm a TEDx speaker, a regular guest on BBC Radio 4 and I sometimes appear on TV on shows like Channel 4's Sunday Brunch.

I make typography exciting for everybody, not just experts. Have you ever wondered whether you judge a shop or pub by its sign? Or why you judge a bottle by its label? Over the last seven years, I've welcomed thousands of people to my events and workshops. Now I'm excited that I can bring these experiences directly to you wherever you are in the world.

Recent Zoom guests have said “The event is genius”“you are such an amazing storyteller!” and “That was fun. Whoever woulda’ thought that I could be eating granola in Portland Oregon while visiting London?”


Would you like to know about upcoming virtual talks? Sign up here.

Would like to arrange a private talk for your group at a time of your choosing? Get in touch with Sarah here.


*If you feel uncomfortable having your camera on or have internet issues you're still very welcome to join the session. 


Sarah Hyndman demystifies the amazing world of typography. She is the author of ‘Why Fonts Matter’. She is a TEDx speaker, a regular on radio (BBC Radio 4’s 'Word of Mouth' with Michael Rosen, 'Saturday Live', 'Today'.) and TV (Channel 4's 'Sunday Brunch'). Sarah is a multisensory typography expert and collaborates on studies with Professor Charles Spence of the University of Oxford.


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