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ONCE IN A UNIVERSE: It's Just a Matter of Time...

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ONCE IN A UNIVERSE: It's Just a Matter of Time...

De Gratuito



Ene 25 2018 18:30 - 20:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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A talk by John Cooper, Emeritus Keeper of Natural Sciences at The Booth Musuem, Brighton. Chaired by artist and lecturer, Susan Diab.

This event is generously hosted by Towner Art Gallery and is run in partnership with Blue Monkey Network.

Tickets: £6 / FREE to Blue Monkey Network members

Booking essential

How do you think we might evolve in the future? How can we keep up with the speed at which the world is changing? Can we make sure science and technology will make the world a better place? These are some of the questions Blue Monkey artist Judith Alder asks in her new project, Once in a Universe, exploring life in The Anthropocene: The Age of Man.

Over the next ten months, Judith will be working with other artists, curators, the public and professionals to explore ideas about how we and our planet have evolved since life began on Earth, and how we might continue to evolve in an age of rapid change.

Following a brief introduction to the project, special guest, John Cooper, Emeritus Keeper of Natural Sciences at The Booth Museum, Brighton will take a look at the processes of evolution by natural selection and climate change, set against the backdrop of geological time. Artist Susan Diab will chair the evening and lead a discussion following John’s talk, exploring how our knowledge might make us better equipped to understand the changing present and work towards a better future.

Once in a Universe is supported by The National Lottery through Arts Council England, East Sussex Arts Partnership and Devonshire West Big Local.


Once in a Universe is a project by artist Judith Alder, exploring ideas about life in The Anthropocene: The Age of Man.


Towner Art Gallery, Devonshire Park, BN21 4JJ Eastbourne


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