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Meet you in the Maze - London

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Meet you in the Maze - London

Fra GBP 10,00



20 okt 2019 kl. 16:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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echo, an acclaimed ensemble of young professional singers, present a programme of music exploring mazes and puzzles, the navigation of the unknown and the concept of aleatory in art, with music by J.S. Bach, Arvo Pärt and James Blake, alongside improvisation and folk song. Join the thirteen voices of echo for this very special, one off event. 

echo’s imaginative approach and innate musicianship are a delight" - Christopher Glynn, Artistic Director, Ryedale Festival

“Impeccable intonation, balance, charm and perfect diction... an exceptional group” - Henley Standard

Tickets: £12 in advance / £15 on the door


Improvisation on Komm, Jesu komm - Johann Sebastian Bach

Hoquetus David - Guillaume de Machaut

Miserere nostri - Thomas Tallis

O Virtus Sapientiae - Hildegard von Bingen

Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin - Claude Debussy 

Coma Blues - Kerry Andrew

Sol justitiae - Alec Roth

Trahe me post te - Tomas Luis de Victoria

Nunc Dimittis - Arvo Pärt

Meet you in the Maze - James Blake arr. Sam Cobb

echo is a new ensemble of young professional singers. Since launching in early
2017, the group intends to explore the full range of what ensemble singing means
– working both with and without a conductor, including improvisation in each
concert and performing music both inside and outside of the Western classical
canon. The group came together through Genesis Sixteen, the prestigious young
artists’ scheme run by Harry Christophers and The Sixteen.

Following highly acclaimed launch concerts in London and Birmingham,
echo headlined the Sounds Sublime Festival in July 2017 and made their St John’s
Smith Square debut the same month, in collaboration with the London Philharmonic
Orchestra and Magnus Lindberg. echo were selected as one of the inaugural Chiltern Arts Festival Take Note young artists for 2018, and this summer were an Ensemble in Residence at the Ryedale Festival An ongoing partnership with the LPO resulted in a performance at the Debut Sounds concert in 2019 with James MacMillan at the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

The ensemble has quickly developed a reputation for imaginative programming and
inventive presentation; often creating audience-immersive concert experiences. The
production ‘EXILE’ at the Brunel Tunnel Shaft featured music from four historical
vignettes and was directed by Rebecca Meltzer (Waterperry Opera). More
recently, echo received Arts Council and RVW Trust funding for a response to the work of American artist Polly Apfelbaum which was performed at Ikon Gallery, Birmingham.

Event supported by the Nicholas Boas Charitable Trust



The Music Room The Music Room, The Music Room, W1K 5LF London


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