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MASSIVE Cinema Presents: ROCKS | Newcastle

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MASSIVE Cinema Presents: ROCKS | Newcastle

De Gratuito



Sep 12 2020 14:00 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Join MASSIVE for a free preview of the incredible new film Rocks at Everyman Newcastle.

In collaboration with the BFI, MASSIVE gives young audiences the chance to see some of the most exciting films of the year before anyone else, celebrating British talent in front of and behind the camera.

As cinemas open their doors to welcome you back, we're giving you the chance to be the first to see Rocks, the incredible new film from Brick Lane director Sarah Gavron.

On Saturday 12th September, join us at Everyman Newcastle at 2pm for a free preview of the film, featuring a stunning lead performance from newcomer Bukky Bakray.

The film follows teenager Rocks (Bakray) who fears that she and her little brother will be forced apart if anyone finds out they are living alone in East London. But with the help of her friends, she evades the authorities and navigates the most defining days of her life, discovering the joy, resilience and spirit of girlhood along the way.

Claim your ticket now and join us next week!

Tickets are free and can be claimed via this page only. The event may be oversubscribed so admittance is accepted on a first come, first served basis. With social distancing measures in place, capacity and seating availability will be tightly managed by the venue. For more information on Everyman Cinemas' COVID-19 guidelines please visit:


MASSIVE gives young audiences the chance to see some of the most exciting films of the year before anyone else, celebrating British talent in front of and behind the camera. 

Going to the cinema with MASSIVE is different – think free t-shirts, stickers, music videos and packed-out screens. Warning: it can get emotional.

This is not your normal trip to the cinema. This is MASSIVE.


Everyman Newcastle Everyman Newcastle, 75-85 Grey St, NE1 6EF Newcastle upon Tyne


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