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March For Men

Veranstaltung beendet

March For Men

Ab 1,00 GBP



17. Juni 2018, 09:45 Uhr - 12:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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On Sunday, 17th June, Father’s Day, the Weymouth and Lions Club will be holding a “March for Men” along Weymouth seafront as part of a nationwide series of marches being organised by the Prostate Cancer Charity and by groups and individuals. https://prostatecanceruk.org/get-involved/march-for-men

The objective of this event is to raise the awareness of prostate cancer and to help save lives. It will be a family event, it will not be competitive, and Marchers will have the option of turning round at 3 different locations, depending on how far they wish to walk: the Pier Bandstand, The Groyne (opposite SeaWorld) or the Oasis Café at the end of Preston beach road.

It will begin at 9.45am at the southern end of Weymouth promenade, opposite Alexander Gardens and it will be preceded by check-in and a warm-up on Weymouth beach at 9.30am.

Registration will be online via the Lions website, www.weymouthlionsclub.co.uk

The entry fee will be £10 for an adult, to include a t-shirt, and £6 for a child, (16 and under), which will be for the t-shirt and include a £1 nominal admin fee. T-shirts will not be available after 3rd June as they have to be ordered from the prostate cancer charity. The entry fee after 3rd June will be £5 for adults and £1 for children 16 and under.

Marchers are encouraged to find their own sponsors and to pass all monies raised to the Weymouth and Portland Lions Club for onward transmission to the Prostate Cancer Charity.

On-line registration will remain open until Saturday 16th June 2018.

Check-in on the day will take place in a gazebo on the beach. There will also be an opportunity to register on the beach on the day, but participants are advised to register on-line in advance.


Weymouth & Portland Lions Club are part of Lions Clubs International. A community service organisation dedicated to the idea that the men and women who live in a community are in the best position to know who needs help and why.


The Esplanade The Esplanade, Weymouth, DT4 8ED Weymouth


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