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Make a Silver Ring Workshop with two Goldsmiths

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Make a Silver Ring Workshop with two Goldsmiths

Ab 65,00 GBP



02. Oktober 2019, 19:00 Uhr - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Get creative and jewellery making. Craft your very own sterling silver ring, whether as a gift for somebody or a treat for yourself. Hosted by close friends and award winning jewellers Ros Millar & Milena Kovanovic (Crucible London). They will guide you through the process of making a ring using traditional goldsmithing techniques such as annealing, forging, soldering, and filing to name but a few. Over the course of the class you will be given the opportunity to practice your newfound skills, to make your hammered silver ring.

Come and enjoy this 2 1/2 hour workshop with a glass of bubbly and sweet treats to toast the class in style.

With a maximum of eight people in any one session, you can rest assured that there’ll be plenty of opportunity for one-on-one interaction with the jewellers. The workshop will take place in a hidden, covered garden, housed at the back of jewellery store ‘Kas & Ros’.

Suitable for complete beginners with no previous jewellery making experience.

All specialist equipment and materials will be provided. It is recommend that all participants wear shoes with a covered toe and if you need glasses for close up work, don't forget to bring those. Please bring a hair tie if you have long hair.

Refreshments and sweet treats will be served throughout, and a complimentary glass of bubbly at the end.


Crucible London is an independent online store and design label, offering a curated selection of fine jewellery and lifestyle products which showcase masterful craftsmanship and highly original design. Supporting lesser known designers and artisans from the UK and beyond, alongside our own Crucible collections. Founded by designer Milena Kovanovic who has been making fine jewellery for 13 years since graduating from Central Saint Martins and is a qualified gemmologist. Her passion for gemstones often takes her travelling around the world to source stones and find inspiration for her jewellery collections. At the beginning of 2019 Milena partnered up with close friend and fellow jeweller Ros Millar to create The Ringsmiths - a series of ongoing jewellery making workshops, held at the Kas and Ros store on the iconic Tower Bridge Road. Follow us on social media @cruciblelondon + @theringsmiths


Kas & Ros Kas & Ros, 61 Tower Bridge Rd, SE1 4TL London


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