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Luxury Christmas Wreath Workshop

tapahtuma päättyi

Luxury Christmas Wreath Workshop

Alkaen GBP 75.00



14 Joulu 2019 13:30 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Varaa luottavaisin mielin: Billetto takaa palautukset peruuntuneista tapahtumista, mikä takaa mielenrauhasi. Lue lisää


This year we are stepping it up a notch! You spoke, we listened! Here we having ‘The Luxury’ Christmas wreath workshop! All the amazing stuff from the classic with some added flower power! 

Join Sophie Ayres from SA Floristry to create your Christmas masterpiece - a stunning Luxury Christmas door wreath - it'll make your door the envy of the street!

There will be lots of gorgeous seasonal foliage and Christmas accessories for you to create your own unique design that has an amazing durability (uses an oasis frame) to see you through the festive season.*

With the added bonus of some stunning seasonal flowers* to use in your wreaths, to make them your own!

This workshop is ideal for both beginners and people with experience of floral design.

It will cover various floristry techniques which Sophie will talk you through step by step throughout the class. 

By the end of the workshop, you will have learnt:

1. How to correctly soak and prepare oasis 

2. The botanical names for the products you are using

3. How to condition your material before use for best results

4. How to use and create accessories to make a unique door wreath

5. How to care for your wreath

All materials will be provided, including lots of seasonal foliage, flowers, Christmas accessories, ribbons and the odd Christmas choccie! If you want to make an occasion of it and come with friends, you can even BYOB (Bring Your Own Bubbles!). 

At the end of the session, everyone will get to take home their uniquely designed Christmas door wreath!

*please note the flowers used in the workshop may differ from those in the image. Purely because I love using fresh seasonal flowers that I know are the best possible quality! 

Cost: £75.00, includes ticketing fee, light seasonal refreshments #christmasgoodies and don't forget you can BYOB! Oh, and if you book a private party (min. 6 people), we'll throw in a glass on bubbles on arrival!

To book, please click on the ticketing link above. If you experience booking problems or wish to book a private (party) session, please email Emma at

*You should follow Sophie's workshop instructions for aftercare to ensure they last beyond your expectations.
**Polite notice for attendees - there is no parking on-site, instead we encourage you to use the free car park (Saturday & Sunday only) behind Aragon Housing Association - accessed via Chandos Road & Katherine’s Gardens, Waitrose 3-hr bays, the new Pay & Display next to Costa Coffee (£1 p/hr & closest to us!) or find suitable on-road parking nearby.



Workshop & Play Workshop & Play, The Barn, R/O 102 Dunstable St, Ampthill, MK45 2JP Bedfordshire

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  • Haluan peruuttaa lippuni ja saada rahani takaisin. Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä?

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