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Lucky Things Meet Up - Manchester - Everyday Confidence

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Lucky Things Meet Up - Manchester - Everyday Confidence

Fra GBP 20,00



15 jul 2017 kl. 13:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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The Lucky Things Meet Ups are coming to Manchester on Saturday 15 July 2017. Hear about everyday confidence tips from Sunita, Lucky Things blog, who will be joined by Katie, twinsplusonemummy.com. The Lucky Things Meet Ups are about getting us all together. They're sell-out networking events for women, where we can enjoy some time out with a friendly crowd.

Helpful info...

The first Manchester Lucky Things Meet Up is taking place at The Pen and Pencil (private room), just a short walk from Manchester Piccadilly station.

This event starts at 1pm and ends about 5pm so there's plenty of catch up time before and after the talk.

Due to private venue hire, only 30 tickets are available so it's likely to be another sell-out gathering. The ticket price includes a Lucky Things goody bag.

Lucky Things Meet Ups are just for women (sorry no babies or children).

Please note that tickets are non-refundable but they are transferable should someone else like to come along. Unused tickets cannot be transferred between events.

More about the panel...

Sunita blogs about connecting confidence with your career, wellbeing, life and style over at luckythings.co.uk. Her corporate HR, people development and coaching career over the past 15 years encouraged her to share tips with a wider audience. She recently appeared on BBC Radio and BBC News, chatting about her blogging journey and the importance of seeing people in real life. Sunita believes that nobody is 100% confident so we all need to tricks up our sleeve to look after ourselves and boost our own confidence.

Katie is a freelance writer and social media manager with Digital Mums. She is also a mama of 3 girls and blogger at twinsplusonemummy.com. Katie's career has spanned across journalism, TV and radio where she's picked up some amazing skills. Some of her memorable career moments include interviewing Paul Weller, Noel Gallagher and Mark Owen all on the same day. Katie believes personal confidence needs to be worked on all the time and challenging yourself out of your comfort zone can be brilliant for confidence building.

So, what did people think of previous Lucky Things Meet Ups?

“It’s been such a lovely afternoon, I loved the talk and had loads of fun - it’s been brilliant” Blogger

“It was so so good, really inspirational” Marketing Manager

"It's great to hang out with lovely people and pick up some tips" Teacher

“Today was genuinely awesome” Blogger

Lucky Things Meet Ups are also taking place in Bristol (25 June 2017), Brighton (date TBA) and London (22 April 2017, 1 July 2017). If you want to hear about future events please email sunita@luckythings.co.uk to sign up to e-bulletins.

If you'd like to hear more about the Lucky Things Meet Ups, check out this blog post and intro video on the Lucky Things Blog YouTube channel.

You can follow Lucky Things blog via little email updates, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


Since 2016, Lucky Things®️ events are known for being inclusive, informative and inspiring spaces. 

Led by Sunita Harley, as featured on the BBC, who is a business and career coach, people development consultant and podcaster. Sunita organises a range of accessible online networking events, skills workshops so we can look after our confidence, career and wellbeing. 

Sunita also provides coaching and CV/LinkedIn writing services. Sunita started her career in fashion, music and media and then spent the last 15 years in global corporate firms. She now works with a broad range of individuals, brands and corporate clients. 

You can follow Lucky Things®️ on Instagram @luckythingsblog

What do others think about the Lucky Things®️ events?

"I love her events as everyone is super lovely and you always come away feeling positive and confident', Debbie, London

"Lucky Things is an inclusive networking event for women" Sharon, London

“Absolutely brilliant! I’ve had one of the best days. It’s just been fun to meet and be around like-minded ladies in such a positive atmosphere. It’s fantastic for all of us to be around each other“. Rachel, Cardiff

Since March 2020, all events have been moved online in response to COVID-19 social distancing measures. 


The Pen And Pencil (Private Room), Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, M1 2EJ Manchester


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