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Lewis Wright and Kit Downes (Duets for vibraphone and piano)

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Lewis Wright and Kit Downes (Duets for vibraphone and piano)

Fra GBP 15,00



06 feb 2020 kl. 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Tickets: £15.00 Seat 

Doors: 7.30pm

Show: 8.00pm-10.00pm

Lewis Wright and Kit Downes (Duets for vibraphone and piano)

Both award-winning, internationally recognised musicians in their own right, vibraphonist Lewis Wright and pianist Kit Downes make one of the most virtuosic and original duos in recent years. From exhilarating up-tempo improvising to lyrical ballads, they explore a landscape of music that blurs the boundaries between the scored and the improvised.

Award-winning vibraphonist Lewis Wright has released his debut album, Duets, on Signum Classics. The album, featuring duets for vibraphone and piano all composed by Wright, also features virtuoso pianist Kit Downes, whom Wright has known and performed with since childhood. Although he has written for and recorded multiple albums with award-winning ensemble Empirical amongst others, this album marks Wright’s first solo venture as a composer.

With such limited material currently available for vibraphone and piano, these compositions are an important addition to the repertoire and explore both the rhythmic and polyphonic capabilities of both instruments. These compositions also marry together many of Wright’s musical influences, from his first love, jazz, through to classical composers such as Debussy and Bartók.

While Wright is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist (as a drummer, he’s worked with such high-profile artists such as Michael Kiwanuka and Joss Stone), the vibraphone is where he feels his individual expression is strongest, making these compositions and this recording particularly powerful.

Internationally-renowned as a performer, Wright was awarded the Worshipful Company of Musicians prize in 2011 and was nominated for Rising Star in the 2016 Downbeat International Critics Poll.

Wright comments:

"I’m particularly excited about this album, not only because it is the first album I have solely composed and produced, but also because it documents a 20+ year musical relationship between myself and Kit Downes. It's quite an unusual combination of instruments, and in this duo setting it offers the composer and performers great freedom to explore different musical roles.”

No true lover of music could fail to be moved’– ICLASSICAL * * * * *

‘A complete success’ – Richard Williams

‘This is beautifully executed chamber jazz of the highest order’ – London Jazz News


Lewis Wright - Vibraphone

Kit Downes - Piano

Please note, The Club is not licensed to allow access to Children under the age of 16 after 9pm, so for evening performances, please do not book tickets for children under the age of 16. Children aged 16 and above are welcome at any time.

This is a fully seated event.  Seats are not numbered and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, as are seats at tables. Where a table is available and the booking is for less than 4 persons, you will be seated and share a table for 4.

Please NOTE, there is NO food served in the Jazz Club, there is a bar for drinks. We advise booking a table for dinner at the Duke of Hamilton upstairs at least 1hr before show-time - Book Here


Welcome to the Hampstead Jazz Club, the best new live music venue in north London. We’re proud to host intimate live performances from an eclectic mix of established musicians, as well as exciting emerging talent.

The Hampstead Jazz Club fondly brings back a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of the golden age of jazz. The club provides a functional, multi-purpose space that adds to its versatility. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to host a rehearsal, live recording, album launch, private event or more, we’d love to hear from you!


New End, Hampstead, London NW3 1JD, UK Hampstead Jazz Club at Duke of Hamilton, 23-25 New End , NW3 1JD London


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