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Learn to Draw and More (8 week evening course)

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Learn to Draw and More (8 week evening course)

De GBP 145,00



Learn to Draw and More - This 8 week art course will help you practice and improve your pencil drawing and sketching skills.  This course is aimed at beginners or improvers.  Each week you will be shown various methods and techniques using graphite pencil which you will then try yourself which will help develop your artistic skill.  I will also introduce how to use watercolour pencils effectively.  There will be handouts and optional homework so you can continue to practice between classes and further develop your drawing skills.

The course runs from Wednesday 22nd of April until Wednesday 17th June (We break for HT week May 27th).

7pm-9pm at the Quaker Centre

The class is aimed at adults and is taught in small numbers to ensure everyone gets the help they need (maximum of 12).

You will need to bring:

  • A4 Sketch pad cartridge paper (min 140gsm)
  • Set of pencils to include H2 to 6B (minimum)
  • 30 Ruler, rubber, sharpener
  • 12 (minimum set) watercolour pencils e.g. Faber Castell, Derwent, Caran D'Ache Aquarelle

***Free artists quality sketchbook, pencils, putty rubber and pack of blending stumps when you enrol before 1st March***

Week 1- Light and dark: highlights, shading and shadows

Week 2- Textures and materials: how to create different effects with graphite pencil

week 3- The face (part 1): how to draw realistic eyes, noses and other features.  

Week 4- The face (part 2): Mapping out facial features and proportion for likeness.

Week 5- Drawing Animals (part 1): Fur and feathers: creating realistic effects

Week 6- Drawing Animals (part 2): Wildlife in Watercolor pencil

Week 7- Floral fun: How to use watercolour pencils effectively to create amazing effects.

Week 8- Scenic landscape: Use watercolour pencils to create a stunning scene.

NOTE: Returning students will follow a slightly different program to expand on their skills.
If you have any questions please email the tutor Vicky Sargent

This workshop is aimed at adults.  Tea, coffee and biscuits are also included.   

Refund policy:  We are unable to give refunds for missed sessions.  If you need to cancel before the course starts we can  fit you in to an alternative course at a later time were possible.


Community artist delivering art and craft workshops and events in Milton Keynes.  Unlocking the artist within.


The Quaker Centre The Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, MK15 9BH Milton Keynes


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