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Jack Gillen Trio

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Jack Gillen Trio

Da GBP 15,00



Mar 19 2020 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Tickets: £15.00 

Doors: 7.00pm

Show: 8.00pm-10.00pm

Jack Gillen Trio (feat. Darren Beckett & Phil Donnelly)

Bringing an intriguing set of original music to Hampstead Jazz Club on March 19th 2020, expect a dynamic and expressive performance from this guitar trio.

Jack Gillen is a London based guitarist and composer who fuses Jazz, Rock, Folk, Blues, and Classical influences into a distinctive style of his own. His compositions feature dark harmonic twists and turns, lots of improvisational interaction between musicians, and song-like melodies sung with a raw, expressive guitar tone. This high energy guitar trio, featuring the grooving and explosive combination of Darren Beckett (Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks, Lee Konitz) on drums and Phil Donnelly on bass, bring a dynamic set of idiosyncratic music to Hampstead Jazz Club March 19th 2020.


Jack Gillen began his musical life at age 7, studying classical guitar avidly before discovering Jimi Hendrix at age 15. This discovery opened up pathways into blues, jazz, rock and soul music, and ushered in an obsession with the electric guitar. After studying Jazz for 3 years at Leeds College of Music between 2010-2013, Jack returned to his hometown of London, cutting his teeth as a session guitarist/ co-writer/ musical director/ producer, working with artists in many different musical settings. After a few years of being a musical chameleon, he decided to dig deeper into his own identity as an artist and composer, the first evidence of this being his debut EP ‘The Long Way Down’.

Fusing Jazz, Rock, Folk, Blues, and Classical influences into a distinctive style of his own, the EP featured melodically focused compositions, dark harmonic twists and turns, lots of improvisational interaction between musicians, and raw, stinging guitar tones. Since then he has been building a special musical chemistry with his trio, featuring Darren Beckett (Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks, Lee Konitz) on drums and Phil Donnelly on bass, and honing and expanding on his identity as a composer.


Jack Gillen - Guitarist/MD

Darren Beckett - Drums

Phil Donnelly - Bass

Please note, The Club is not licensed to allow access to Children under the age of 16 after 9pm, so for evening performances, please do not book tickets for children under the age of 16. Children aged 16 and above are welcome at any time. No dogs allowed in the Jazz Club.

Seats are not numbered and you will be seated at available tables. Please note tables seat 4 people, so for bookings of less than 4 people, you will be seated and share a table for 4.

This is a fully seated event.  Seats are not numbered and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Please NOTE, there is NO food served in the Jazz Club, there is a bar for drinks. We advise booking a table for dinner at the Duke of Hamilton upstairs at least 1hr before show-time - Book Here


Welcome to the Hampstead Jazz Club, the best new live music venue in north London. We’re proud to host intimate live performances from an eclectic mix of established musicians, as well as exciting emerging talent.

The Hampstead Jazz Club fondly brings back a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of the golden age of jazz. The club provides a functional, multi-purpose space that adds to its versatility. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to host a rehearsal, live recording, album launch, private event or more, we’d love to hear from you!

Luogo dell'evento

New End, Hampstead, London NW3 1JD, UK Hampstead Jazz Club at Duke of Hamilton, 23-25 New End , NW3 1JD London


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