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Insight III England April 2021

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Insight III England April 2021

De GBP 1,280,00



Abr 14 2021 17:00 - Abr 18 2021 16:00


Note: This seminar is in a retreat setting in the beautiful English countryside. 

Ticket price includes accommodation in a shared or single room, meals, and the seminar tuition.

The Insight III seminar focuses more intently on the connection with the inner, authentic Self. It is an extraordinary seminar designed for people who want to bring forward a greater capacity to enjoy life, to be present at the moment, and to become more deeply centred in the heart regardless of situation, circumstances, or environment.

Over the course of five days in retreat, you are supported in:

- Developing the capacity to observe and respond to life's challenges with balance, compassion, and positive creativity

- Learning a process for accessing, trusting, and acting on the guidance of the heart

- Spontaneously centring in peace and joy

Insight III brings alive the relationship with the inner levels of Self. For many students, it is the first opportunity to recognize and connect with some of their higher aspects.


Insight III is held in a retreat environment. Group and introspective processes are the main focus of the Insight III experience. Portions of the seminar are held in silence.

Lodging and meals are provided to maintain the inner-directed focus, though the seminar provides an environment for laughter and fun.

What you can expect from the Insight III:

- Developing the ability to become a neutral observer, able to step outside of situations and gain perspective rather than being reactive

- Becoming aware of the specific distractions in your life

- Learning to connect with and listen to inner guidance and intuition

- Experiencing how judging others limits and impacts consciousness and experience, as well as learning practical techniques of forgiveness

- Accessing, trusting, and acting upon the guidance of the heart and strengthening the ability to see situations with greater clarity

- Embodying more fully the qualities of compassion, acceptance, and authenticity

- Discovering how to accept, trust and surrender to the process of life

- Further anchoring the skills and tools learned in Insight I, II

Prerequisites: Insight I and Insight II

Registration tuition includes a £50 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit. Refunds will be granted if cancelled at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the registered seminar. If not cancelled at least 30 days before the seminar, tuition is non-refundable, but may be transferred, one time only, to a future Insight Seminar within 12 months. Tuition not transferred to another Insight Seminar within 12 months of the initial seminar registration date will be forfeited. Tuition refund requests (less non-refundable registration fees) must be submitted in writing, and refunds will be processed within 30 days of receipt of a request.


The Ammerdown Centre The Ammerdown Conference & Retreat Centre, Ammerdown Park, BA3 5SW Radstock


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