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HypnoBirthing® Certification Workshop

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HypnoBirthing® Certification Workshop

Fra GBP 115,00



30 aug 2018 kl. 09:00 - 02 sep 2018 kl. 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Creating Better Birthing

Build a career as a HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator and enjoy the rewards that come from preparing parents for joyful, empowering birth. A 4 day complete childbirth educator certifcation designed for: nurses, physicians, midwives, doulas, chiropractors, hypnotherapists and anyone else with a strong interest in creating better birthing.

Course Information


You can achieve your Certifcation as a HypnoBirthing® Practitioner by attending a four-day workshop. You will receive:

  • Syllabus – well organized, easy to use, step by step guide to teaching for each segment you attend.
  • CD of forms and handouts, and other accessories.
  • HypnoBirthing®–The Mongan Method text book with a CD of Relaxation, pre-birth parenting, and Birth Rehearsal Imagery
  • The Rainbow Relaxation CD, the cornerstone of our program’s relaxation component.
  • HypnoBirthing Videos- You will be fascinated as you view these births and witness the beauty of mothers who are free of the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome and free of unnecessary interruption as they bring their babies into the world calmly, gently and in joy.

Certifcation also includes a listing on our on-line referral system, access to our Resource files, a copy of our quarterly newsletter, regular updates, and membership to our Facebook page.

Attendance at a HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Certifcation Workshop does not automatically equate to Certifcation. Each candidate must submit a successfully completed set of Course Reviews following the workshop. Requests for refund will be granted up until two weeks prior to the date of the workshop. No refunds will be granted following that date.

When a refund is appropriate, an administrative fee of $75.00, in addition to the cost of any materials received by the enrollee, will be deducted from the refund.

In cases where a student withdraws and is entitle to a refund, he/she may choose to apply the tuition to a later class with the same instructor with no penalty.

Course Content

Segment 1: Prerequisite Courses

Introduction to Birth Basics—for all persons who do not have a professional background in birthing

  • Anatomy of The Female Reproductive System -Labor Signals
  • Conception and Early Fetal Development -Characteristics of Managed Labor
  • Characteristics of the Uterus -Characteristics of HypnoBirthing Labor
  • The Baby’s Support System -Labor Stages as Defned in Typical Birthing
  • Physical Changes during Pregnancy -Labor Phases as Defned in HypnoBirthing
  • Fetal Positioning during Pregnancy -Mother Directed Birthing
  • Turning Breech Presented Babies

Introduction to Hypnosis for Birthing—for all persons who do not have certification in hypnosis

  • Understanding Hypnosis -Mind/Body Association and Application
  • Applications of Hypnosis -Judging Trance Depth
  • Attitudes about Hypnosis -Guidelines for Achieving Change
  • Basics of Brainwave Activity -Elman—Ericksonian—Shanti Leads
  • Laws of the Mind -Eye-lift Conversion Lead
  • Rationale for Hypnosis in Birthing -Deepening Techniques
  • Understanding Client’s Learning Styles -Posthypnotic Suggestions
  • Steps to Achieving Hypnosis -Alerting Techniques
  • Dangers of Unqualifed Therapy -Practice Exercises

Segment 2: HypnoBirthing Practitioner Essentials

  • HypnoBirthing Philosophy and Beginning -Looking at the “Due Date”
  • How the Uterus Works in Birthing -Avoiding Artifcial Induction
  • What’s Wrong with Labor -Preparing the Birth Preferences Sheets
  • How Fear Affects Labor -How the Body and Baby Work Together
  • Origin of Fear and Pain in Labor -The Onset of Labor
  • Pre-Birth Parenting and Fetology -Breathing Through Labor
  • Selecting the Care Provider -The Hallmarks of Labor
  • Preparing The Mind and Body for Birth -Perinatal Bonding
  • Relaxation Techniques -Bonding with Baby
  • Releasing Fear and Limiting Thoughts -Labor Management Styles
  • Building a Partnership with Care Providers

Course Cost

Cost of training: 1085 EUR
Early bird by August 1, 2018: 985 EUR
Birth Basics Home Study: 130 EUR

Contact information: practitioner@hypnobirthing.sk




tba, Bratislava tba, 82108 Bratislava


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