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“How to Craft Painterly/Abstract Images Using Your iPhone – Part 1”with Charles & Melissa Needle

“How to Craft Painterly/Abstract Images Using Your iPhone – Part 1”with Charles & Melissa Needle

Från 4,00 GBP



17 sep 2024 19:30 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Four iPhone Mini-Workshops by Charles & Melissa Needle

Workshop 3.

“How to Craft Painterly/Abstract Images Using Your iPhone – Part 1”

Date of the Workshop:

Tuesday Sept 17 2024

Time of Talk:

19.30 to 21.00 BST

In this presentation, Charles and Melissa will discuss and demonstrate ways you can craft painterly/abstract flower and garden images using three shooting apps: Average Camera Pro (Dominik Seibold), Slow Shutter Cam (Cogitap Software) and Full Spectrum Camera (Mads Hagbarth Damsbo). Average Camera allows you to take a series of photos and have them automatically combined into a single abstract/painterly image instantaneously, while Slow Shutter Cam enables you to create slow shutter speed effects using three capture modes. Using an advanced algorithm, Full Spectrum Camera transforms colors in the scene into other-worldly eye-catching photos.

Digital Imaging Member - £4

RPS Member - £8

General admission - £10

If you are not already a Digital Imaging member it might be advantageous to join as a Digital Only member and benefit from reduced ticket prices

Digital Imaging Home Page | Digital Imaging Workshops | Join Digital Imaging (£14 pa) | Join Digital Imaging Online (£7 pa)

About Charles and Melissa 

Charles Needle is an award-winning, Colorado-based fine art photographer, author, speaker and workshop leader with a unique eye for design and artistic interpretation. His popular “Art of Nature” creative macro workshops have attracted students nationwide.

Charles was selected as a finalist, among 15,000 entries worldwide, in the International Garden Photographer of the Year photography contest, sponsored by The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and has achieved many more accolades.

A popular conference and camera club speaker for more than two decades, Charles has authored three cutting-edge instructional books. Charles is an accomplished speaker, photography juror and teacher with international workshops in Monet's Garden (Giverny)

Melissa Needle is a part-time professional photographer who stared her journey at the age of 12 with the family camera. She has lectured on smartphone photography at numerous camera clubs and at the New England Council of Camera Clubs annual conference. She currently leads the Greater Lynn Photographic Association (MA) smartphone specialty group. She has assisted her husband, Charles, in workshops, classes and zoom sessions since 2016. She enjoys literal image making but really enjoys exploring her creative side with various smartphone apps. Her smartphone images have been recognized with various awards including a Top-24 Image Award in the 2020 North American Nature Photography Association Member Showcase Competition.


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If an event is cancelled we will give you as much notice as we are able and any payment by you to the RPS in respect of the event is offered as a full refund. In the case of events cancelled because of a lack of interest, we will aim to give you as much notice as possible.


RPS Digital Imaging Group facilitate Online Workshops, on Processing in Photoshop, Lightroom. the Nik Suite, Topaz and Affinity. As well as encouraging the use of software in creative ways to create artistic photographic images.

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