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HJC London Jazz Festival Presents - Jamie McCredie

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HJC London Jazz Festival Presents - Jamie McCredie

De GBP 40,00



Nov 17 2020 20:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Tickets: £20.00 

Limited Capacity

Doors: 7.30pm

Show: 8.00pm-10.00pm

Hampstead Jazz Club is an Official Venue Partner of London Jazz Festival Week November 2020 

One of the busiest touring & session guitar players in the U.K, Jamie McCredie has played on countless film and T.V. dates all around the world, while playing/recording with a host of household name artists such as; Will Young, Robbie Williams, Joss Stone, Beverly Knight, Tokio Myers, Kid Creole, Roisin Murphy, Don Was, Johnny Hates Jazz, Simple Minds, Jools Holland, Melody Gardot, the X-Factor final, and Britain’s Got Talent - to name only a small selection.

Award winning guitarist Jamie McCredie presents an evening of solo guitar performing original tunes from his forthcoming album Cadence and Solemnity.

With special guests Mike Gorman (piano) and Tara Minton (harp) in the second set, this performance showcases Jamie’s flawless command of the guitar and his ear for modern, memorable composition in the chamber style. For fans of through-composed highly melodic jazz, exploring the limits of the guitar technically and tonally.

Jamie McCredie - Guitar
Special Guests - Mike Gorman (Piano)

This is a fully seated event.  COVID-19 regulations apply for seating and all measures are in place to ensure the safety of the audience and the performers

Please note, The Club is not licensed to allow access to Children under the age of 16 after 9pm, so for evening performances, please do not book tickets for children under the age of 16. Children aged 16 and above are welcome at any time.

We advise booking a table for dinner at the Duke of Hamilton upstairs at least 1hr before show-time - Book Here


Welcome to the Hampstead Jazz Club, the best new live music venue in north London. We’re proud to host intimate live performances from an eclectic mix of established musicians, as well as exciting emerging talent.

The Hampstead Jazz Club fondly brings back a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of the golden age of jazz. The club provides a functional, multi-purpose space that adds to its versatility. Whether you’re looking for somewhere to host a rehearsal, live recording, album launch, private event or more, we’d love to hear from you!


New End, Hampstead, London NW3 1JD, UK Hampstead Jazz Club at Duke of Hamilton, 23-25 New End , NW3 1JD London


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