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HANDS-ON-PATTERN | Mindful Marbling Workshop

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HANDS-ON-PATTERN | Mindful Marbling Workshop

De GBP 35.00



Oct 29 2019 19:00 - 21:00


"Happiness is a good flow of life."– Zeno of Citium

How can the philosophy and serendipity of the traditional craft of marbling help to uplift, unwind and unleash our inner creativity?

Get hands on with the PATTERNITEAM, connect with your unique creativity and intuition and learn about the marvellous craft of marbling. Lose yourself in moments of flow and join us as we create magnificent marbled masterpieces to take home and enjoy.

Ticket price includes a range of cards, prints and posters to marble on and a short inspiring talk on the positive philosophy and uplifting principles of flow.

Experiencing flow states

In a culture of rigid self-help programmes and controlled creative processes, we celebrate the joy of serendipity. The ancient craft of marbling brings to life the psychological reality of ‘flow’, where action and awareness are effortlessly united. Our wellbeing is enhanced as we enter a ‘flow state’, losing all concept of time as we fully embrace the now.

With marbling no two prints are ever the same. Each art work acts as a beautiful blueprint celebrating one moment in time. Whilst there is room for personal exploration and experimentation, the marbling process is difficult to control with many variables that affect the outcome. We learn not to worry about the blank piece of paper that begins every project and, instead, surrender to the process, opening up to the unknown. Together, we experience the wonder of creativity and flow.

Thanks to Ace Hotel for supporting our events.


We aim to:
– Inspire a deeper connection to our environment, each other and ourselves through pattern awareness, understanding and engagement
– Create, connect and collaborate with a diverse community of pattern enthusiasts, experts and explorers across the globe.

Find out more at

‘PATTERNITY come with total enthusiasm, wonderment and expertise, re-presenting the omnipresent that we become immune to, we can only be grateful to them for refreshing our eyes and beyond.’

– Tom Dixon OBE – Iconic Product Designer and ex-creative director of Habitat

“PATTERNITY are the masters of the pattern appreciation renaissance” their unique research archive, design studio and events use paisley, polka dots and every weird and wonderful pattern they spy to educate and inspire”

– i-D Magazine



Ace Hotel London Ace Hotel London, 100 Shoreditch High St, E1 6JQ London


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