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Goal Setting & Self Confidence Masterclass!

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Goal Setting & Self Confidence Masterclass!

Von 249,99 GBP



With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, we all start thinking about the goals we set ourselves for the year and did we achieve them or not?

We have decided this year to create a masterclass that will not only teach you to make effective, exciting, motivating goals. But to also understand the why behind those goals. During the process of creating goals in our masterclass we look at your strengths/weaknesses, values and beliefs which in turn will create self-confidence, self-belief, self-esteem and motivation.

How many people do you know that start New Year with… “My New Year’s resolution is to give up……”

How many people do you know have stuck to their New Year’s resolution? Not many!!! WHY???

It really comes down to how you create your goals/resolutions and I have put together a 1 to 1 personal masterclass just for you so you can create perfect goals that work.

As part of this Masterclass you will receive the following:

- 1 x 60 minute personal phone/skype session (weekly for 4 weeks).

- A huge number of worksheets designed specially to help you create you dream life goals.

- You will receive a huge amount of tools and techniques to help you along the way and for the future

- You will receive unlimited email support for 10 weeks. This can be used for any questions, issues, help, guidance etc.

- Also on completion of your 4 weekly calls you will receive a FREE Gift from us to you. You will receive your own copy of “The 6 minute Journal” worth £21.90 and comes in a number of colours (you can select colour on completion).

If you want to know more, please contact

us by email at snapshotcoaching@gmail.com


The reason I am so passionate about people and coaching is being able to see people reach their goals and get the results they have been wanting for years is something quite spectacular. Seeing that smile, that spark in their eyes, it makes my job worth while. I care about the people I work with, I want to see them achieve, I want them to have the life they deserve. My coaching approaches and caring nature come from my own life experiences. I have the ability to understand and empathise with people from all walks of life. We are all unique in our very own way, and not one method fits all. My aim is to help you achieve your vision, your goals, the life you deserve and support you in reaching that goal and your full potential. I have battled through many demons, jumped hurdles, smashed down walls and obstacles in my time to get me where I am today. I am confident that I can help you overcome yours. I will get to the core of any obstacles, solve them together so we can focus on the present and future events, which will ultimately lead to creating the life you truly deserve. I want to help as many people as possible from all walks of life. I believe that everyone can continue to improve and grow no matter what level they are, personally or professionally. I have real faith in my competence that I know we can start to focus on a better you and make a significant impact. I am honest and will always be upfront with you, no coach can promise the answer to everything, that is impossible. I am not going to make huge claims that I can. I'm not going to promise I have the answers to everything. However, I do promise you that you have my honestly and my word that I am not here to pretend to have answers, I pride myself on results! If I don't have the answer you will be the first to know! But I am a person who asks my clients to judge me on my results and not my words. Results speak louder than words. So, I urge you to join in and start this journey! I am looking forward to working together and getting to know you and help you achieve your potential. If you want a coach who is honest, genuine and managed to come out the other side even with all odds against me then I am that person.


Glasgow, Glasgow


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