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FULLY BOOKED: Grade 1: Competitive Piano Class

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FULLY BOOKED: Grade 1: Competitive Piano Class

Från 4,00 GBP



10 jun 2018 09:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


This event is now fully booked but entries are open for a Music Competition on 29 September 2018 in Dulwich Village for All Instruments & Voice:

The 7th annual Dulwich Music Festival piano competition is adjudicated by Nancy Litten and takes place at Kingsdale Foundation School in West Dulwich.

Grade 1 Class: This class is aimed at pianists of all ages that are playing at a standard equivalent to Grade 1. All pianists receive a certificate and feedback from the adjudicator. The winner of the class receives a trophy and medal. Medals will be awarded to runners up depending on the number of entries received.

Repertoire: One piece from any current graded exam syllabus (excluding Set Pieces classes). We will also consider repertoire that is not on an exam syllabus but this must be pre-approved by the Festival Organiser. You are welcome to enter and leave the Repertoire information blank but do ensure you send all the required information by the 1st of May 2018 to validate your entry.

Timetable: The schedule for the day will be released on May 19th 2018. Beginner & Early Learner classes will be scheduled towards the start of the day. You do not need to stay for the full day.

Conditions of Entry:
All entrants will need to agree to the following terms at the time of entry:
By submitting this entry form I confirm that on behalf of the competitor(s) I have read and accept the Dulwich Music Festival Regulations. I can also confirm that for all competitor(s) under 18 (or vulnerable adults of any age) I give (or have obtained) the necessary consents for the competitor(s) to take part in the Festival. I understand that all tickets booked are non-refundable.

Audience Ticket:
This is a Day Pass and admits you to the whole event. You may stay for as many classes as you like but if you wish to only stay for one performance, that is fine. You do not need to purchase multiple audience tickets if you are participating in more than one class.

We have a Facebook discussion group you can join to find out more about the event plus ask questions to the organisers and previous participants.


View all the upcoming events for the Dulwich Music Festival - not just in Dulwich but across London. We host performance opportunities for pianists, piano competitions, masterclasses and harpsichord tuition. We are based in East Dulwich, South London


Kingsdale Foundation School Kingsdale Foundation School, Alleyn Park, SE21 8SQ London

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