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Fermentation Masterclass (VIP Series)

Afholdt event

Fermentation Masterclass (VIP Series)

Fra GBP 90,00



13 okt 2019 kl. 12:00 - 16:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Du kan trygt booke hos os: Billetto garanterer refundering via tilbagebetaling for aflyste events. Læs mere


“Let Food Be Thy Medicine, And Let Medicine Be Thy Food.” - Hippocrates, Father of Western Medicine

The process of fermenting foods is as old as humanity. Fermenting preserves food and makes it more digestible and nutritious. Valued for its complex tastes, fermented foods are a powerful aid to digestion and a protection against disease." Asa Linéa Simonsson from Linéa Nutrition

The class will include:

  • Learning the nutritional benefits of fermented foods
  • Making kombucha and water kefir
  • Learning how to make sauerkraut and kimchi
  • How to make nut cheeses
  • How to make fermented salsa and chutneys to go with the cheeses
  • Delicious organic plant based lunch and recipes to keep
  • 10% discount on the day in neighbouring wholefood shop, Food for All 

Åsa Linéa Simonsson is the author of 'Fermentation - how to make your own sauerkraut, kimchi, brine pickles, kefir, kombucha, vegan dairy, and more' published by Anness Publishing Ltd. Asa grew up making ferments in her native Sweden; a trained nutritionist, naturopath and nurse, she runs a busy natural nutrition and health practice, Linéa Nutrition, in the UK combined with popular workshops and retreats. 

Fee*: £118 (£90 Concession**) inclusive of VAT, includes a delicious organic plant based lunch. 
You will need to bring two glass Kilner style clip top jars approx 350ml  jars (or otherwise extra jars if you have smaller ones) and two food containers (any type), one for your kombucha scoby and a spare.

* This fee is used to fund our programme of free courses to vulnerable and low-income community groups. By attending a Made In Hackney masterclass you get a great day of learning AND you’re providing our charity with essential funds for us to continue our work with vulnerable community groups.

** Concessionary rate available for students, pensioners, unemployed and low waged

Refunds: we require a minimum of 7 days' notice for any cancellations or transfers once you have booked onto a class.

Vouchers: To redeem a voucher purchased on our site, please contact us to book a place. If contacting us by email please attach your voucher. If telephoning, have your voucher to hand so you can quote the voucher number.

For information: info@madeinhackney.org / 020 8442 4266

Location: Made In Hackney, Food For All Basement, 3 Cazenove Rd, Stoke Newington, London, N16 6PA. Regretfully, the kitchen is not wheelchair accessible.


Made In Hackney uses cereals containing gluten namely: wheat (spelt and khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats; peanuts; all other nuts; sesame; all other seeds; soybeans; celery and celeriac; mustard; sulphur dioxide/sulphites; lupin; tomatoes and other allergens in it's classes. Our food is freshly prepared in our busy cookery school kitchen that handles allergens, so we cannot guarantee that our food and drinks are allergen-free. Even in classes where these ingredients are not being used, they will be on site in our store rooms and our equipment will have previously come into contact with them. Participants attend at their own risk.


Community Cookery School and charity running vegan cooking classes. All proceeds help fund our community meal service which has become a critical food support service delivering 70,000 free nutritious, tasty meals per year to households struggling to access food, and is needed now more than ever by our community. By supporting our fundraising programme you have an opportunity to learn new skills, support a worthy cause, and enjoy delicious food!


Made In Hackney - Local Food Kitchen Made In Hackney - Local Food Kitchen, 3 Cazenove Rd, N16 6PA London


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