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Fantasia and Sheku Kanneh-Mason

Afholdt event

Fantasia and Sheku Kanneh-Mason

Fra GBP 8,00



19 sep 2020 kl. 19:00 - 20:15
Billetto Peace of Mind
Du kan trygt booke hos os: Billetto garanterer refundering via tilbagebetaling for aflyste events. Læs mere


Join Fantasia Orchestra and young superstar Sheku Kanneh-Mason for some of the first live concerts after lockdown. Continuing their musical partnership, Fantasia and Sheku will perform Dvorak's mighty Cello Concerto, preceded by Wagner's stunning Siegfried Idyll.

Wagner - Siegfried Idyll
Dvorak - Cello Concerto (arr. George Morton)

Fantasia Orchestra
Sheku Kanneh-Mason, cello
Tom Fetherstonhaugh, conductor

Safety information and guidelines

Government guidelines on Covid-19 safety and social distancing will be adhered to throughout the concert. Please also comply with all safety and social distancing guidelines and requests (both from the government and Fantasia Orchestra): it is for your safety. Please do not come to the concert if you have any Covid-19 symptoms.

In order to accommodate households and social bubbles sitting together, seating will be allocated based on individual bookings. As such, please only book tickets for you and members of your household/bubble. Seats will be allocated manually on a first-come, first-served basis.

For everyone’s safety, it will be mandatory to wear a face covering at all times at the venue and for the duration of the performance. Please wear one from your arrival at the venue until you depart. The performing musicians will not be wearing face coverings as they play, but will be performing in a socially-distant manner.

The concert will last just over an hour, and there will not be an interval. Please note that there are no toilet facilities at the church.

When you arrive, a queuing system will be in operation. Please keep 2 metres apart as you queue. Hand sanitiser will be available for use at the venue.

For the purposes of Track and Trace, the contact details you provide at the online ticket checkout will be kept by Fantasia Orchestra for 14 days following the concert. After this period, they will be deleted in line with relevant data protection regulations.

There will be no refunds available for this concert. However, if there is a cancellation of the concert due to changes in government regulations or guidance, refunds (less the booking fee) will be made to the audience via the ticketing site Billetto.

Any Billetto terms and conditions will continue to apply.



St Mary Abbots Church (copy) St Mary Abbots Church, Kensington Church St, W8 4LA London


Sheku Kanneh-Mason
Tom Fetherstonhaugh


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