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Family & Organisational Constellations Workshop FACILITATED BY GERHARD WALPER

Family & Organisational Constellations Workshop FACILITATED BY GERHARD WALPER

Von 30,00 GBP


We are delighted to announce our next Family and Organisational Constellations Workshop 1-4 May 2020 facilitated by Gerhard Walper according to Bert and Sophie Hellinger.The workshop is suitable for those that are both new to constellations and for those that are very experienced. We have extended our programme to include both Pre and Post Events.

Have you ever asked yourself why certain unhelpful, repetitive patterns and dynamics keep happening in your life - in relationship, health, family, profession or in your organisations? Family and Organisational Constellations are a simple and solutions- orientated, experiential methodology which allows us to bring to light the hidden dynamics and patterns behind the challenges that we face in our lives, families or organisations. When this is done, we find ourselves in a new clarity that leads to the unfolding of solutions.

By observing what has been excluded or hidden, for example in the systems we belong to (relationships, family, work, organisation), we remember and acknowledge what is forgotten. This enables a reconciliation and movement towards acceptance and a sense of inner peace. The energy that had been exhausted in inner and outer conflicts, as well as blind patterns, can now be set free for a more powerful, healthy and loving life.

I would like to invite you to the 4th London constellations workshop between 1st -4 th May, 2020. We already have some registrations and a limited number of discounted 'early bird’ places available, on a first come first serve basis. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Tickets can be reserved here or by emailing Paresh at pareshconstellationslondon@gmail.com

The workshop is ideal for those both new and experienced in constellations, with a view to working on personal/family or organisations/professional issues or for your clients.  The first three workshops were a great success and thank you again if you attended.
Family & Organisational Organisationals Workshop flyer p1


Paresh is an Investor and Executive Coach who works with individuals, groups, large to small non for profit and for profit organisations, and family offices to create personal and organisational change through Ontological & Systemic Coaching, Facilitation, Constellations and Yoga/Meditation. Paresh has worked for over 20 years in senior positions with Banks and in the family Office space in New York and London. He has a degree in Economics from the LSE, Newfield Coaching qualification, a holistic Yoga teaching qualification and a Diploma in Family Constellations (with Hellinger). He has continued his training in Family and Organisational constellations and has organised two constellation workshops with Gerhard Walper, in London in 2018/19 for individuals and organisations.


La Reserve Hotel La Reserve Hotel, 422-428 Fulham Rd, SW6 1DU London


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