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ESTHER BENNETT -- And All That Jazz -

événement terminé

ESTHER BENNETT -- And All That Jazz -

De GBP 12,00



29 Avr 2018 19:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


Widgeon The Roving Theatre boat is 81 years old this year and to celebrate her history she has been given a new lease of life.

Sunday 29th April we are very happy to be able to present the extremely prolific Jazz Singer to our intimate canalised Theatreboat venue.

Moored near the narrowboat pub / Angel Islington nearest tube. London N1 8JY,-0.1151228,13z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x48761e7ca9f2e7dd:0x3c07a4adfb349088!2sThe+Widgeon+Theatreboat!8m2!3d51.6093218!4d-0.0412977!3m4!1s0x48761e7ca9f2e7dd:0x3c07a4adfb349088!8m2!3d51.6093218!4d-0.0412977!10m1!1e1?hl=en-GB

ESTHER BENNETT - A Jazz Vocalist Esther is an accomplished and popular vocalist on the London jazz scene.

[Watch her latest promotional video]

Her repertoire chooses highly individual interpretations of regular standards and original material and more recently from the Duncan Lamont Songbook

Her CD "Just in Time" (produced by Ian Shaw and available on JazzCds) received favorable reviews"Vocalist Esther Bennett's many virtues include....a smokily appealing and a winning sense of humour"

Jazz Wise magazine


"Knock 'em dead singer" - Evening Standard

"A great favourite here at the club" - Steve Rubie 606 Jazz Club


Radio: TheRobert Elms, Simon Ledderman & Nikki Bhedi
shows at BBC Radio London and on various local radio stations
TV: London Live Television

The 606 Jazz Club, The Vortex, Ronnie Scott's

The Spice of Life, Pizza Express Dean St. Wakefield Jazz, Fleece Jazz, Jagz Ascot
Art House CrouchEnd, The Pheasantry
The Archduke, Jazz Cafe Posk,
Swansea Jazz Land, Annie's Jazz
Eastbourne Underground Theatre,
The Verdict Brighton, Ikley Jazz Festival, and
The Clarence Jazz Club Malaga


MOORED by Narrowboat Pub and Angel & Islington, on the towpath on N1 8JY

As a traditional Historical working canal narrowboat, she carried heavy loads of coal, sand and gravel up and down our British waterways but now is able to enjoy a leisurely life of entertaining you.

'On The Bill @ Widgeon', brings to you a small intimate venue, offering you the chance to enjoy immersive experiences of Theatre, Music, Comedy, Poetry, Drama, Spoken word and Workshops."

'Canalside - Theatre & Storytelling" -

Due to the size of the narrowboat spaces are limited so we can book up quickly.

The Shows offer you the chance to experience a strong performance in an immersive atmosphere.


We Welcome you all Aboard 'The Widgeon'!


Get Tickets to the Events that 'On The Bill At Widgeon' as she moves from town to town. Keep an eye on events as they come up. invite your friends to join you in enjoying the immersive intimate shows on the historical Narrowboat Widgeon.


The Widgeon Theatreboat The Widgeon Theatreboat, Towpath Road, Lock 5, N1 8JY London

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