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ELSC presents...The Blair Witch Project

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ELSC presents...The Blair Witch Project

Från 5,00 GBP



27 okt 2017 20:30 - 28 okt 2017 00:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


In October of 1994,
three student poledancers disappeared
in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland
while teaching a twerkshop.

A year later their high heels were found.

Stumble into the woods and discover our dark and dreadful world of sin, as we put on a spell on you at this year's East London Strippers Collective Halloween Special. Expect a night of horror as the fierce and feisty witches of ELSC put on a sinister spectacle and entice you into our carnal dungeon. Bring your torches and sleeping bags, pack a thermos and don't lose your map - you're in for a rough night. Our theme for 2017 is The Blair Witch Project so come and get lost in our bewitching wilderness. Historically the term witchcraft has been applied to practices believed to influence the mind and body of others against their will - some might say the ladies of the ELSC can influence the mind and body of others, so for one night only be spellbound by jaw-dropping pole dance, divine twerking and seductive stripcraft.

Free drinks go to the best costume - think all things witchy and scary. Woodland creatures and cackling crones; unhappy campers; hags and harpies; Wiccan magic and Devil worship; black cats and cauldrons; Hermione Granger and Malificent; Warlocks and...Tony Blair? Grab your broomstick and don't forget your magic wand, you're in for a bump-and-grindy ride.

Don't forget the action's not just on stage. Come and spend a bit of time in the Ego Massage Parlour, (lift your spirits with the sweet words and touch of a bevy of beauties). Or treat yourself to a session in the wildly popular VIRTUAL REALITY Striptease Booth (put on a VR headset and experience a full 360 immersive video lapdance performance by members of the ELSC). And don't forget it's ALL about tipping - you can buy tipping dollars on the night and make it rain on the performers live on stage.

As always, ELSC aims to create a safe and respectful space for diversity, absent of stigma and shaming. We invite LGBT+ audience members to come and participate in an activity normally reserved for cis-males... Strippers of the ELSC seek to challenge the patriarchal conventions on which their industry is built, and we warmly invite women, couples and trans/queer individuals into our world of wondrous titty-twirling, booty-clapping, pole-dancing and underwear-peeling.


Jessica Risque - serving up a dose of Love Potion

Lo Lopez - Fire and Candle Wax

Sasha Diamond - Cross her palm with silver

Vee Slinky - Seductive Sorceress

MC - Nicole Henriksen of "Makin' It Rain" fame

Doors open 8.30pm. Shows start at 9.30pm - arrive early to avoid disappointment.

£5 Earlybird, £8 Advance Tickets, £10 on the door.

Club Aquarium's famous Pool Party starts at midnight. ELSC ticket holders have access to the venue until 6am!


ELSC are a group of feisty, articulate and fiercely independent women, who also happen to be strippers, challenging stigma and smashing stereotypes with their refreshingly honest and open discourse about their culture, working conditions and feminist beliefs. They have come together as a collective, united in their shared grievances about poor working conditions and exploitative business practises within their industry. They also lament the stigma surrounding their jobs; the lack of wider public understanding about what they do, compounded by negative connotations that come from poor mainstream media representation and “feminist” campaigns that seek to erase their industry and destroy their livelihoods.

To counter all this they have begun self-organising their own pop-up events to raise awareness, invite new audiences to explore their world and see what they do from a new perspective. So far their events have included parties, life drawing classes, public talks, costume sales, pole-dance workshops, a film screening, academic symposium and an art exhibition. Members of the collective have taught themselves how to run their own events and create their own working conditions. ELSC wish to generate a culture of respect around stripping by publicly recognising the value and worth of their creative talent and energy.

For a taste of what you can expect at our events, watch our video here:


Club Aquarium, 256-260 Old St, EC1V 9DD London

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