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EAST London Syrian Supper Club Autumn

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EAST London Syrian Supper Club Autumn

Da GBP 40,00



Sett 12 2018 19:30 - 22:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più


Come to the first seasonal Syrian Supper Club at the E5 Bakehouse!

By the team behind the original Syrian Supper Club

Three delicious and seasonal courses inspired by one of the Middle-East's best: Syrian cuisine.There'll be a cocktail on the house to start and wine available to buy. Book quick, we want to see you there!

Details for dietary requirements and house rules can be found at the bottom of the page.

All change at the Original Syrian Supper Club! Now that we have our fabulous new branches running each month in various parts of London and Bristol, we reckoned it was time to switch things up a bit.

So. We’ll be putting on our Syrian Suppers at the E5 Bakehouse four times a year to echo the seasons, and the first of these is in September. The menu will be put together with the most seasonal of produce, while taking Syrian cuisine as our inspiration. On top of this we will shortly be announcing our speaker for the evening, so stay tuned to find out who will be sharing their experience of Syria on this unique occasion.

The history

As many of you know, it is six years since we started the Syrian Supper Club in 2012, when we wanted to do to do something to show friends back in Damascus that they hadn't been forgotten in spite of the conflict. This feels more pertinent than ever after seven years of war in Syria. We are determined to keep raising funds to help some of Syria’s most vulnerable people. Coming along to this Syrian Supper is a simple and positive action you can take to support those in need.

The chef

The delicious food at the E5 Syrian Supper is the work of Ruth Quinlan. She has been the backbone of the Syrian Supper Club since 2014, cooking up a storm every month for the guests who came our way. If you’re keen to do your research before coming, do head over to our website to find out more about the Syrian Supper Club’s origins and the team.The house rules

We like to place guests at our Syrian Suppers, so please make sure you let us know in the notes when booking if you'd like to be seated with particular people who have booked separately.


A cocktail on the house to start and plenty of booze will be available to buy on the night, never fear.

Dietary requirements

We do also cater for vegan/veggie and dairy/nut free, so please highlight this in the notes when booking so that the right food comes your way.


In terms of cancellation, we can offer a full refund on a ticket as long as you let us know at least three days before the event. This is to ensure that we don't end up with empty seats round the dinner table, and each supper raises the maximum it can for the aid projects we fund in Syria.

Any further questions please contact


The Hands Up Foundation is a young and innovative charity which was set up by four British friends. Inspired by our time in Damascus, we want to remind our friends in Syria that they have not been forgotten. Check here for any of our events.

Luogo dell'evento

E5 Bakehouse E5 Bakehouse, 395 Mentmore Terrace, E8 3PH London


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