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Digital Decade 5: Opening Night

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Digital Decade 5: Opening Night

De Gratuito



Ago 25 2017 18:00 - Ago 27 2017 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Digital Decade "Cyberia" event comes to London for the second year in a row

DesignCollector Network together with Ugly Duck, Curioos, Sedition Art and Ello present an innovative exhibition exploring the intersections digital and physical forms (“phygital”) in art as part of the annual event Digital Decade 5, featuring emerging artists working in the field of digital art. This year’s theme of “Cyberia” encourages artists to reflect on the concept of the newborn digital-native that is changing our common value systems.

The concept of Cyberia is “the unknown territories: shaped by the digital ethnos”. This, “ethnos” refers to the generation of digital people that are changing our world, and continuing to influence our culture. As our world becomes increasingly digital, it ultimately transforms to become a ‘Cyberia’.

The exhibition takes place over three days in August, at Ugly Duck on Tanner st in London. For this new creative season Ugly Duck has chosen the theme Real/Virtual and “Digital Decade 5: Cyberia” was happy to won their venue grant earlier this year. Exhibition invites visitors and artists into a visual dialogue on geopolitical, environmental, social and even interstellar changes taking place in our world with digital art and technology.

Event will feature VR, Print, Phygital and Interactive installations as well as Creative Talks from industry leaders.

Opening Night welcomes everyone to explore the VR and Interactive installations, Video Art, Objects and Prints created by 50+ Artists from all around the world. Ugly Duck and Digital Decade welcomes you 6PM-10PM 25 Aug with open bar, immersive atmosphere and highly creative audience.

Registration required for healthy atmosphere and quick check in at the Garage Gates with face-control. Event is free but please support us by purchasing exhibition catalogue at the venue.

P.s. RSVP to Full event (25-27 Aug) on Facebook

Exhibition Breakdown:

  • 25 August: 6PM - 10PM: Opening Night, Free entrance, Bar, DJ set, Artists at presence
  • 26 August: 12 - 8PM: Full Show + Creative Talks: Studio BLUP; Radim Malinic; Chris Labrooy
  • 27 August: 12 - 4PM: Closing Day


Russian digital culture editor and founder of Designcollector Network, Arseny Vesnin (b.1981) has been exploring and curating the very best of visual media arts and design since 2003.


Ugly Duck, 49 Tanner St, SE1 3PL London


Anna Neklesa
Living Cotton: Digital Twin
Jose Montemayor
Virtual Awakening


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