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Decoding consumer type trends

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Decoding consumer type trends

Von 12,00 GBP



Breakfast session
1-hour interactive talk with Q&A (Zoom)

Learn how to decode the typography of everyday products. What does it reveal about changing mood and attitudes over the last five years? How does it motivate your decisions?

Typography is the voice of a brand and it creates a first impression before you even read the words. In this session we’ll work across a series of categories with real life examples. You’ll come away understanding how type is used to create meaningful stories and to code different emotions for a brand. 

You will learn
• About the reign of ‘Millennial sans’
• The story behind the style of comfort and nostalgia
• How minimalism became the new premium
• About the resurgence of 150-year-old type to reflect an edgier world
• What trends we’re seeing today

“That was totally dope. Insightful. Articulate. Entertaining. Super impressed” Nic

“Wow! My eyes have been opened to power of fonts after a fantastic talk. Fonts have always played an important role in brand design to ensure the right brand perception and create stand out at shelf but there is now science behind it and evidence of the role fonts play in our subconscious.” James

Your host
The Unwrapped series of talks is created by Type Tasting founder Sarah Hyndman. She’s the author of the bestselling book Why Fonts Matter, a TEDx speaker, regular on BBC Radio 4 and an occasional guest on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch. She has been researching and writing about typography and perception since 2013 and co-publishes studies with Professor Charles Spence of the University of Oxford.

Would you like to know about upcoming virtual talks? Sign up here.

Would like to arrange a private talk for your group at a time of your choosing? Get in touch with Sarah here.


Sarah Hyndman demystifies the amazing world of typography. She is the author of ‘Why Fonts Matter’. She is a TEDx speaker, a regular on radio (BBC Radio 4’s 'Word of Mouth' with Michael Rosen, 'Saturday Live', 'Today'.) and TV (Channel 4's 'Sunday Brunch'). Sarah is a multisensory typography expert and collaborates on studies with Professor Charles Spence of the University of Oxford.


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