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  • Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge

    Event ended

    Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge

    From Free

    Online Event


    Jun 19 2023 18:00 - Jun 23 2023 19:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    'Burnoutproof Tech Founder' Challenge Will Teach You Step-By-Step

    How To Set up A Simple, Science-Based Routine To Feel Driven, Motivated, Focused To Achieve Results Faster WITHOUT Losing your Health and Sleepđź’ˇ...

    ... Instead of Feeling Tired, Fatigued and Frustrated with Your Own Self, Feeling Like You Are Always Falling Behind With Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations, Living Half a Life

    (most of it in your head)!

    Here’s What You’ll Learn:

    DAY 1

    High-Energy Daily Flow

    Have you ever wondered, what you could accomplish if you had high energy from the moment you wake up till you go to bed?

    If your energy lasted the entire day without spikes and crashes?

    If you came around quicker and didn't struggle with midday or morning productivity? Pushing yourself from one cup of coffee to another, not being able to fall asleep with racing thoughts at night?

    What if you had control over your energy without the need of any stimulants that always backfire and lead to burnout?

    Dialed-in, focused, calm and clear.

    What could you do with that?

    • Morning Kickstarter Formula - start strong to finish strong - calm, alert, fresh and focused.
    • Midday Refresher - a simple science-backed routine to make your energy last the whole day! No need for coffee pick-me-up - there are smarter ways!
    • Evening Chill - or how to stop a racing mind, relax the body and mind to take advantage of the most restorative, burnout-preventing tool - your sleep, to keep going after it day after day with excitement and joy!


    DAY 2

    The BIG 4 - The 80/20 of Health

    Energy is the currency of life and success.

    Do you wake up each morning full of energy and excitement about your day ahead?

    Or you barely make it out of bed and it takes you a while to get started, STILL feeling not ready for action?

    When you think about it, when you have those high-energy days, when you feel like the sky is not the limit, do you naturally do more, procrastinate less, need less coffee and feel less stressed, have more awesome ideas and just enjoy your life a lot more?


    It’s ALL about energy!

    Or as my favorite Navy Seal commander says, "energy management".

    Let’s learn how to make more energy every day to fuel your best ideas and business success - and awesome life WITHOUT a trace of burnout!

    • 4-Pillar High-Energy Lifestyle - daily habits to make more energy in your cells. Simplified to 80/20!
    • Sleep, Movement, Light Exposure, Nutrition Simplified - your big 4 and what truly matters for daily energy based on current research.
    • Brain Nutrition 101 - feeding your motivation, focus and memory WITHOUT burnout. (AND Everyone's favorite - "No Blue Moods with these 5 foods")


    DAY 3

    10X Your Workflow

    What if I told you with all the hours you put in - you are STILL not working well enough for your high-hard goal?

    YES! EVEN with all the burnouts.

    (‼️Burnout isn't a sign of hard work.

    It's a sign of poor self-management.)

    Just like in the gym some people “train” their whole life and get tiny results without the right system and effective approach, some entrepreneurs work themselves into self-destruction and STILL not seeing much progress!

    It’s not just the effort - it’s also about the right system to apply that effort.

    What if you could easily get focused fast and stay focused for hours on any piece of work you need to accomplish?

    What if your focus was on-demand like Netflix?

    You’d probably spend much fewer hours working WHILE achieving BETTER results.

    What if you knew how to set up conditions for flow states? For your ZONE of GENIUS? So you could do 2-5X of your daily workload faster?

    What if your mind was never in your way with countless distracting thoughts and rabbit holes?

    Do you think you'd be THAT behind and frustrated with your daily accomplishments?

    True productivity isn't about your AI skills.

    True productivity is about CLARITY of the right action and unstoppable execution.

    • Flow State Design - 4-step formula to jump-start your daily flow.
    • Focused Workplace Setup - how to bulletproof your environment to make distractions irrelevant and focus inevitable.
    • Focus Primer - a 2-step mini ritual to get your brain clear and focused on your most important task VS pursuing one rabbit hole after another.


    DAY 4

    Becoming Unstoppable You

    Do you ever find yourself excited about all your goals and to-do lists only to later find yourself struggling with fatigue, anxiety, overload, having done just a fraction of it?

    Can I really do this?

    Am I cut out for this?

    Is it always gonna be that hard?

    Prolific, productive, accomplished entrepreneurs who build great things and enjoy their life have one thing in common - they don’t look for less stress and challenges, they learn how to manage more of them well.

    That’s where working smarter and strategic recovery come in!

    The great thing about the present moment - advancements in technology and neuroscience research have all the tools to at least double your productivity, without you having to work crazy hours, losing sleep and life in a perpetual state of over-caffeination.

    You will be challenged more as you progress and demand more from life and yourself - and you absolutely have to learn how to recover better to handle this.

    Just like any elite athlete does.

    • No-More Burnout - Work-Rest daily flow that prevents burnout from happening, killing your progress and momentum, making you hate your life.
    • The science of strategic breaks - prevent work fatigue from settling - accomplish more, feeling energized with science-backed "brain refreshers".
    • Daily Stress Management 101 - learning to make anxiety, and stress work for your productivity VS slowing you down. It's not the amount of stress that's thrown at you that matters - it's how you handle it.


    DAY 5

    Brain of a Joyful Leader

    Do you often feel stressed when things don’t go as planned?

    Do you often feel overwhelmed with all the things that are out of your control you have to take care of as a leader?

    Do you often feel like no matter how much you do, you can’t enjoy any of it? You are just never satisfied with … yourself?

    Or perhaps, you believe, that being perpetually stressed is a part of an entrepreneur's journey?

    Your BIGGEST stress might be your poor mindset.

    Let’s fix it!

    • 2-Step Uncertainty Management Protocol - define a clear zone of control, increase the feeling of control in the midst of daily uncertainty, lower anxiety instantly.
    • “Living in the Gain” Mindset Adjustment Tool - it’s not what you do that makes you feel accomplished, it’s where you look.
    • “Be the Lion” Empowering-Stress Framework - from the leading stress researcher, let’s learn how to become stronger and fitter through stress VS becoming a replaceable weakling.


    What Are You Waiting For?!

    Let's set you up for UNSTOPPABLE!

    To start feeling POWERFUL, excited about every single day, focused on building cool things, fully living every moment, present and on your terms, going to bed every night feeling like this was the “BEST DAY EVER” - accomplished and grateful.




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      The first thing to do is check your spam/junk filters and inboxes. Your Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge tickets were sent as an attachment and can be thought of as spam by some email services. Alternatively, you can always find your Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge tickets in your Billetto account that you can access in the browsers or the dedicated Billetto app. For more help with this, read here.

    • I wish to cancel my Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge ticket and receive a refund. What should I do?

      The approval of refunds is entirely at the event organiser’s discretion, and you should get in contact with the event organiser to discuss what options are available to you. To get in touch with the event organiser, simply reply to your order confirmation email or use the "Contact organiser" form on the organiser's profile. For more help with this, read here.

    • I have registered on the Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge waiting list, what happens now?

      If more tickets become available you will be notified (by email) amongst others who have joined the list. Purchasing is on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information, read here.

    • Where do I find a link to an online event?

      Check your order confirmation page or order confirmation email. Usually, the organiser of the event provides the details in the order confirmation email or they might send you a follow-up email with a link to their online event. You might also want to read the event description on Billetto where an event organiser should describe how to join the Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge event online. For more information on this, read here.

    • What is refund protection and why would I need it?

      Refund Protection provides you with the assurance that if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances interfere with your ability to attend an event you can claim a refund. For more information on this, read here.

    Event ended

    Burnoutproof Tech Founder Challenge

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