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Build your own Demijohn Terrarium at The Sheffield Botanical Gardens

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Build your own Demijohn Terrarium at The Sheffield Botanical Gardens

De GBP 45,00



24 Aug 2019 11:00 - 12:45
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


Demijohn Terrarium Workshop

Join us to learn how to build your own Demijohn Terrarium at Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

Learn the history of Terrariums, how to care for them and the ideal plants to fill them with. You will be provided with everything you need to create your own little ecosystem, we will have a range of plants for you to choose from including Fittonia,Ficus and Moss as well as a large sealable glass jar. We will guide you through creating your own terrarium which will be all yours to take home at the end of the session. This is a great individual or group experience for anyone who wants to learn some new indoor gardening skills.

You will leave with a care guide for your terrarium as well as all you need to know about how to make more terrariums as we know they can be quite addictive!

We will be hosting this event indoors at the beautiful Sheffield Botanical Gardens in the Dorothy Fox Education Centre which is best accessed via the Thompson Road Entrance just off Ecclesall Road. The Education Centre can be found near the public toilets and noticeboard.


Terrarium details

  • Dimensions - These are about H34cm by W17cm.
  • Light - These enjoy a spot with indirect sunlight e.g. a North-facing window
  • Watering - Very infrequently/never, more information provided in care guide
  • More info here

What are my transport options for the event?

Please note this event will be held at the Dorothy Fox Education Centre. This is in the South East corner of the Botanical Gardens and is near the Thompson Road entrance - from this point enter the park, walk along the path and it is about 200m ahead on the right side - next to the public toilets.

There is free on street parking on Clarkehouse Road, or Pay and Display metres on Thompson Road, Ecclesall Road is easily accessed by bus.

More information can be found here:

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes, if you are unable to attend tickets can be used by someone else. Please contact us directly if you are unable to make it on the day.

How to I get my terrarium home?

They are built to be easily transported by using the finger holes at the top of the jar, however if you have a strong tote bag you can bring along this will help.

Terrarium workshop Sheffield | Terrarium Course North | London Terrarium Workshop | Sheffield Terrarium Course


Hi! We are passionate about terrariums and have been making and working with them for 5+ years now. We love meeting the lovely people that come to our workshops and seeing the joy that comes from making a beautiful ecosystem from scratch.


Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Sheffield Botanical Gardens Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Sheffield Botanical Gardens , Clarkhouse Road, S10 2LN Sheffield

FAQ (Foire Aux Questions)

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    L'approbation des remboursements est entièrement décidée par l'organisateur de l'événement, et vous devez prendre contact avec lui pour discuter des options s'offrant à vous. Pour contacter l'organisateur de l'événement, il suffit de répondre à l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande ou d'utiliser le formulaire "Contacter l'organisateur" sur le profil de l'organisateur. Pour plus d'aide à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

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    Si des billets supplémentaires sont disponibles, vous en serez informé (par e-mail) parmi les autres personnes qui se sont inscrites sur la liste. Les achats se font selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Pour plus d'informations, consultez ceci.

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    Consultez la page de confirmation de votre commande ou l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande. En général, l'organisateur de l'événement fournit les détails dans l'e-mail de confirmation de la commande ou il peut vous envoyer un e-mail de suivi avec un lien vers son événement en ligne. Vous pouvez également consulter la description de l'événement sur Billetto où l'organisateur de l'événement devrait décrire comment rejoindre l'événement en ligne. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

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