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BucketRace (Scavenger Hunt) Halloween Hunt

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BucketRace (Scavenger Hunt) Halloween Hunt

Da GBP 12,00



Ott 26 2019 12:00 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Prenota senza pensieri: Billetto garantisce il rimborso per gli eventi cancellati, assicurandoti così la massima tranquillità. Leggi di più



• 1st place prize: TBC.

BucketRace is a Scavenger Race around London, where teams compete against one another by completing tasks on the list (or BucketList) provided. BucketRaces goal is for participants to discover new places, activities and hidden gems within London, while meeting like-minded people and competing in a fun and friendly environment.

You can enter either as an individual and we will allocate you a team on the day, or as your own team.

*** Additional Halloween tasks and build a potion games ***


Teams can be no larger than 4 people

Teams must stick together at all times

Each photo should include the whole team; however, one member can be excluded if they’re taking the photo/video

Tasks are divided into Miscellaneous and Location categories

You can only choose one set of location tasks

Location tasks are mutually exclusive. You cannot score tasks within multiple locations

Tasks must adhere to the submission criteria to be counted

Any teams caught cheating will be disqualified

Teams with the most points at the end of BucketRace wins

What you need

All you need is a well-charged smart phone (more than one per team is advised) and a Twitter account. BucketRace will provide the rest.


Each task carries a specific amount of points based on its difficulty, location and BucketRace classification (e.g. location, miscellaneous or bonus). The location tasks score the least; however completing enough of them unlocks a hefty bonus. Miscellaneous tasks score more points, but they don’t offer any bonus incentive. So choose wisely!

It’s also worth noting that most of the BucketRace location tasks have been written in order of the quickest route. The exceptions are the final few tasks within each section, which have been chosen to fit the culture of each area and can be performed anywhere within that location. BucketRace lasts for 4 hours. Any teams who arrive to the finish late, will forfeit a cumulative 50 points every 10 minutes.


There are Location tasks specific to regions of London such as: Find a taxi serving coffee in Shoreditch, find the giant Dragon in Camden and build a human pyramid in Hyde Park. There are general London based tasks such as: arrive at Big Ben when the clock strikes 14:00, hail a black cab and start a party on an open top bus. And there are miscellaneous tasks such as: wear a toothpaste moustache, wear a toilet seat around your neck, get a high score on a video game

Task Submission

Tasks are submitted through the wonderful world of social media, using photos and/or videos as evidence. More specifically we calculate real time scores using Twitters #Hashtag function. That way teams can use their own mobile phones and we can give you hourly updates on how each team is performing. Twitter is free to download and use. If you don’t already have a twitter account, please ask one of our staff to help you create one before BucketRace begins.

• Each tweet must contain the following: Name of task, points value, #BucketRace, #TeamName, @BucketRace and a photo/video of the task.

Example : Stand in the corner of an elevator facing the wrong way while people enter, 50 pts, @BucketRace, #TeamName #BucketRace.

On The Day

​The Meet

​We meet at – Golden Square, London, Greater London, W1F 9HR. The location is easily accessible by tube or bus. The nearest tube station is Piccadilly Circus. Once there, individual sign ups will be collated into teams, there will be a brief introduction and teams will receive their lists. Within in the 4 hour time period, teams must choose which region of London they'll be completing tasks in, and complete the tasks they believe will amount to the most points. When the clock strikes 12:30 the competition will start and you'll be racing off to best your opponents whilst discovering the hidden gems of London.

We can also provide customised lists, for specific events like birthdays and stag do's. Simply contact us with your requirements and we will provide you with a quote


Luogo dell'evento

Golden Square, W1F 9HR London


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    La Protezione Rimborso ti fornisce la garanzia che, laddove circostanze imprevedibili e inevitabili interferiscano con la tua possibilità di partecipare a un evento, potrai richiedere un rimborso. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi qui.

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