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BOLD Women's 3 night Rediscovery Retreat

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BOLD Women's 3 night Rediscovery Retreat

Von 649,00 GBP



24. März 2017, 18:00 Uhr - 27. März 2017, 10:00 Uhr


Is it time to rediscover the lost you, or find out who you really are?

Do you ever feel stuck and unsure how to move forward? Do you remember what your dreams were before life happened?

Would you like the time in a safe place to clear your mind, regain your self-esteem and rediscover, or discover who you are and what you want from life?

Imagine a Retreat, especially designed for woman exactly like you, a place to re-charge, reconnect and rediscover. At the Rediscovery Retreat you will be given you the time and tools to explore what’s important to you and what you truly want moving forward.

Can you just imagine returning home feeling clear and refreshed and with a plan to move forward?

Not only will you leave feeling refreshed and nourished, you will also:

  • Gain clarity on the aspects of your life that are important and those areas where focus is lacking
  • Banish negative behaviours and thought patterns that are holding you back
  • Learn a proven simple strategy to overcome low self-esteem
  • Gain a greater understanding of how we communicate while developing your own communication skills to prevent confusion and miscommunication
  • Leave with a personal action plan that will help you to achieve your goals moving forward so you can have the life you want

Working only with small groups of women, to ensure you receive the support that you deserve, our exclusive retreats include:

  • 6 group coaching sessions
  • Early morning Yoga (optional)
  • Gong Sounds session
  • 3 nights, shared accommodation
  • All meals, snacks and refreshments

What was your dream? To start your own business? Go back to study? A new relationship? Let’s make that a reality, here's what some of our previous participants had to say:

‘To explain the experience would not do it justice; it’s a journey you have to embark on yourself. I feel truly blessed to have walked this path.

For the first time, ever, I feel truly loved by no-one more than myself. I am liberated free and empowered; I have replaced fear and anxiety with BOLD excitement.

Thank you BOLD Women. Thank you Sue, Thank you me :o)’ Caroline August 2016


‘The retreat has been amazing with wonderful people, who shared themselves in such a way that I learned and felt safe. Experiencing Yoga was a beautiful, spiritual time and has inspired me to continue myself at home.

I feel cleansed and refreshed. I feel nourished in my body, with remarkable food as well as in my mind.

I have me again.

I feel I can now return to my family, my job and my friends, understanding myself better and loving myself’ Laura August 2016


Whether you are a woman that has experienced a life changing event, have just got to the point in life when you realise you haven’t achieved your dreams or are just generally unhappy with the state of your life and relationships, the Rediscovery Retreat is just what is needed to hold space for yourself and rediscover the lost you.

Group Programme

Our carefully designed workshops have been created to be thought provoking and provide insight into your inner thoughts, hopes and dreams, so that you can leave with a clear understanding of what is important to you. Each participant will have a different focus or area that they wish to address such as personal or business relationships, overcoming challenges, overcoming health issues to exploring your life’s purpose.

Or maybe you just know life could be better, but you’re not quite sure how? Whatever your aim, you will all be able to work through your challenges in a way that suits you, only ever sharing what you feel comfortable with, safe in the knowledge that anything you do share will remain strictly confidential.

When was the last time (if ever!) that you took time to step back from the day to day madness and assessed what you really want from the rest of your life? When will you commit to holding space for yourself?


Believe it – Own it – Life it – Do it


What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

There is limited space on site or free parking within a couple of minutes walk

Is it complusory to attend the yoga sessions?

No part of the retreat is 'compulsory' although we would ask that you keep an open mind as all activities and sessions have been designed to ensure you get the most out of the 3 days.

Can I come with a friend or family member?

While you are more than welcome to attend with a friend or family member, the majority of participants feels they gain more by attending alone as this gives them a safe space to be truly open about their hopes and challenges.

I have specialist dietry requirements, is that a problem?

Not at all, all dietry requirements can be catered for and you will be sent a questionnaire beforehand where you can outline any special requirements

I get nervous in new situations, I'm not sure about being with people I don't know

Remember, you are all in the same situation and will be with a small group of like minded women who are lookign to create positive change in their life. It is normal to feel a little apprehensive by putting yourself in an unfamiliar situation, strong bonds are made and new friendships can flourish, which go on well beyond the retreat.

Do you have a payment plan?

We do not have a payment plan as standard but please do get in touch if you would like to discuss this aspect further



East Pallant House, Chichester, PO19 1TR Chichester


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