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Bedworth Christmas Food and Gift Fair

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Bedworth Christmas Food and Gift Fair

Ab Kostenlos



23. November 2019, 10:00 Uhr - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr


Pick 'n' Mix Events is pleased to announce our first Bedworth Christmas Food and Gift Fair is taking place this November!!

Bedworth indoor market and the surrounding area will be filled with an array of festive stalls, showcasing a selection of unique and extravagant products which we guarantee you won’t be able to find on the high street!

Open for 1 day only, we have everything from tasty mouth-watering treats, homemade gifts to stocking fillers and much more, which can be found at our Christmas Food & Gift Fair.

Visitors can peruse and explore the Christmas fair throughout the day and then see the dazzling display of the Town Centre Christmas Lights being switched on in the evening. Meanwhile, for the crazy little ones, visitors can also meet our interactive Christmas Characters during the day for photos and high-fives!

Fancy a treat or feeling a bit hungry? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered; we have a selection of soul warming food vendors with exquisite sensational food to tickle your taste buds.

Bedworth Christmas Food and Gift Fair is open 10am-6pm for one day only.

We are now looking for traders and we would love to offer local/independent stall holders to come and join us to celebrate the festive season.

Whether it be locally sourced items, farmers produce, luxury cosmetics or novelty stocking fillers, you name it!
If you would like a stall or more information, please email us at info@picknmixevents.co.uk or alternatively give us a call on 07926 055523/07399 363433.
Stalls are priced from £20. We're looking for a variety of traders to stand at the event including food traders.


Pick ‘n’ Mix Events was founded in 2014, but the company owner has been providing event entertainment since 2004. 

There are two halves to our Company: Providers of Event Entertainment and Event Organisers. 

We offer a variety of entertainment exclusively to the corporate and commercial industry throughout the UK; specialising in Seasonal Entertainment. Some of our most popular attractions include Mascot Characters, Craft and Food Workshops, Performers, Stilt Walkers and Fun Food Carts. If you are interested in hiring any of our Entertainment please contact us at info@picknmixevents.co.uk to request a copy of our latest Brochure. 

We organise numerous events throughout the year, with our most popular event being ‘Funtopia’ - a family festival which tours the midlands throughout the year. Our outdoor Funtopias have a footfall of approx 1-2k per day and take place at a different location every weekend throughout the summer months. For more info on Funtopia please check out our FB page www.facebook.com/funtopiauk

We can organise a whole calendar of events for councils and organisations at NO COST TO THE CLIENT!! Our events can include: Food and Drink Festivals, Themed and Seasonal Markets, Fun Towns (a town centre kids festival) and more!
Please email us at info@picknmixevents.co.uk to learn more about our services


Bedworth Market Bedworth Market, Mill St, CV12 8LZ Bedworth


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