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AromaTouch Technique Certification Training - Tarporley Cheshire

Evento annullato

AromaTouch Technique Certification Training - Tarporley Cheshire

Da GBP 125,00


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You are invited to participate in our AromaTouch Technique Training in Cheshire. This is a hands-on class and you will have the opportunity to give, receive, and assist an AromaTouch Technique.

doTERRA's AromaTouch Technique is an approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body.

The AromaTouch technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function.

The technique is simple and intuitive and uses doTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.

Who is this course for?...anyone - no prior experience necessary as full training provided.


  •  A packed lunch and health snacks. 
  •  Water to drink after your treatment and throughout the day to keep you hydrated.
  •  2 large bath towels or single sheet to cover massage table and a blanket to cover  your body during treatment. 
  •  A pillow for leg support
  •  Comfortable clothing
  •  A small cushion or towel to roll up so that your head is comfortable as you lay face down  whilst receiving an  AromaTouch treatment.
  •  Pen/notebook/business card (if you have one) - good to swap details with other  participants and keep in touch
  •  Let us know if you can bring a massage table 

You will receive:-

~ 6 hours of training on the AromaTouch Technique 

~ The AromaTouch Technique training manual

~ A full set of the 8 AromaTouch Technique oils

Refund policy:


In the event of minimum numbers not being met you will be given at least 10 days notice, with a full refund, or your payment transferred to the next available AromaTouch training date. Hotel, transport and other costs will NOT be refunded if booked before this ten day period

Confirmation of attendance: Due to popular demand and limited numbers, payment is required to secure your place.  

Early booking recommended.

AromaTouch trainer - Becky Bowles   T: 07951 937870 E:

We reserve the right to cancel any training in the event of severe weather, illness, or lack of attendance or unforeseen circumstance. If we need to cancel, a 100% refund of your training will be sent to you, and we will make our best effort to reschedule that event for a later date. This refund will not include travel, time off work,lodging or other expenses, only the AromaTouch training. 


Luogo dell'evento

Tarporley Community Centre Tarporley Community Centre, 113A High St, CW6 0AY Tarporley


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