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Aladdin Open Air Cinema screening - East Grinstead

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Aladdin Open Air Cinema screening - East Grinstead

Fra GBP 12,00



11 okt 2019 kl. 18:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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The Open Air Cinema screening of

Aladdin comes to

Chartham Park Golf & Country Club East Grinstead


📅 Friday, October 11th 2019

⏰ Doors open 5:30 pm

🎥 Film to begin at 6:30 pm Ends 8:40 pm

🍟 🥤Food and drinks are available. Please no glass, No dogs 

🧒🏼👦🏽 Maximum of X2 Under 6's are free and do not need a ticket as long as they are with a paying adult.

💷 Standard Tickets  £15 Adults | £12 Child  (6-12) £7

♿️ and carers should call 02070999516 to book.

💳 Tickets purchased (subject to availability) on the door will be £14:00 (Cash, Card, ApplePay).

🌼 You are reminded to bring chairs or blankets for comfort. Remember you ensure you are warm enough for this evening event.



What happens when I arrive?

Bring your e-ticket or download it to your phone. We will scan it, exchange fora wrist band and have you checked in o time at all.

You will then be directed towards the screen that will be easily visible. Music will be playing to make it easier for you to find the most comfortable position for your group.

Please note, film start times are guidelines as we need an element of darkness for you to enjoy the film. We will email you on the day if there are any changes to our schedule. We will also place this information on social media too.

Can I bring a picnic?

Food and drinks are available. There should be something for everyone, so no need to bring one.

Smoking, e-cigarettes, vaping and similar?

To ensure that everyone has a choice to smoke or not we ask those who wish to smoke to use the designated locations. Any questions about this feel free to ask a member of our event staff wearing snazzy hi-viz jackets.

Early Bird, Standard and Special Event prices. What the difference?

Early bird tickets are but are limited, once they are gone then standard tickets are available up to 48 hrs before the event. The remaining tickets will be £14 on the night. To check if there are tickets on the night visit our the box office and social media outlets. Keep in touch or buy your ticket before it is too late.

What if it rains or the event is cancelled?

The Open Air Cinema will decide to cancel the event if we potential heavy rain or high winds appear to make it too dangerous for the event to go ahead. We will refund your ticket immediately but your booking fee will be retained by Billetto. By rebooking to attend the rescheduled event, we will email you a code and you will not need to pay and additional booking fee to pay. Other than this all tickets are non-refundable.

Remember we can screen when it rains so if it hasn't been cancelled at our box office or facebook pages. The event will go ahead.

The Open Air Cinema will reserve to the right to ask patrons to leave without refund, for anti-social behaviour or if request to NOT smoke, VAPE  or use e-cigarettes within the crowd is ignored.

Love to win prizes then make sure you tag #theopenaircinemauk or #ilovetoac on any pictures you place on Instagram or Facebook


What happens when I arrive?

Bring your e-ticket or download it to your phone. We will scan it, exchange for a wrist band and have you checked in no time at all.

You will then be directed towards the screen that will be easily visible. Music will be playing to make it easier for you to find the most comfortable position for your group.

Please note, film start times are guidelines as we need an element of darkness for you to enjoy the film.

We will email you on the day if there are any changes to our schedule. We will also place this information on social media.

Can I bring a picnic?

Food and drinks are available. There should be something for everyone, so no need to bring one.

Smoking, e-cigarettes, vaping and similar?

To ensure that everyone has a choice to smoke or not we ask those who wish to smoke to use the designated locations. Any questions about this feel free to ask a member of our event staff wearing snazzy hi-viz jackets.

Early Bird, Standard and Special Event prices. What the difference?

Standard tickets are available up to 10 hrs before the event. The remaining tickets will be £15 for adults or £12 for children on the night. It makes sense to buy tickets in advance.

To check if there are tickets on the night visit our the box office and social media outlets. Keep in touch or buy your ticket before it is too late.

What if it rains or the event is cancelled?

The Open Air Cinema may decide to cancel the event if potential heavy rain or high winds appear to make it too dangerous for the event to go ahead. We will refund your ticket immediately but your booking fee will be retained by Billetto. By rebooking to attend the rescheduled event, we will email you a code that will mean you can buy future tickets at a reduced rate. Please note all tickets are non-refundable. You can transfer the tickets. just let us know who to.

Remember we can screen when it rains so if it hasn't been cancelled at our box office or facebook pages. The event will go ahead.

The Open Air Cinema will reserve to the right to ask patrons to leave without refund, for anti-social behaviour or if request to NOT smoke, VAPE  or use e-cigarettes within the crowd is ignored.

Love to win prizes then make sure you tag #theopenaircinemauk or #ilovetoac on any pictures you place on Instagram or Facebook



The Open Air Cinema is a touring Open-air and drive-in cinema. You'll find us holding magical events in, Kent, London, Surrey, and Sussex. Visit any of the links above and register with the relevant county and get some great perks. They can save you money and ensure that you never miss out on magical outdoor screenings again.

Did you know you can hire The Open Air Cinema for an all-day event or just a single evening screening? 

Follow this link and find out how your hire could be free.


Chartham Park Golf & Country Club Chartham Park Golf & Country Club, Felcourt Rd, RH19 2JT East Grinstead


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