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A Charity Evening for Young Minds - Patrick Joseph +// Aron Boyland +// Pippa Crossland +//Mica Sefia

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A Charity Evening for Young Minds - Patrick Joseph +// Aron Boyland +// Pippa Crossland +//Mica Sefia

Von 6,50 GBP



22. Juni 2018, 19:00 Uhr - 22:30


A Charity Evening for Young Minds - Patrick Joseph +// Aron Boyland +// Pippa Crossland +//Mica Sefia

This Evening will be a brilliant showcase for some of the fantastic artists that LIPA offers and all in the name of a life changing charity Young Minds.

Patrick, Aron, Pippa and Mica will each be playing a 30 showcase of their spectacular music within our beautiful city centre recording studio as well as each having a song recorded and mixed live which will be exclusively available to those who attended the gig.

Consider this your chance, as a fan, to come hear the artist you love perform in an intimate, inner-city studio environment.

This is a unique gig experience that puts you at the heart of the artist's performance.

A good amount of the fees raised from ticket sales will be donated to the Chairty Young minds.

Tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis and are limited to 40 seats for this event.

No under 16s allowed. Doors open at 7.00pm and the show starts at 7.40pm. No persons will be allowed entry after the music begins.

Breakpoint Recordings operate a strict challenge 25 policy. Please ensure you bring valid ID with you on the evening.

Main Acts: Patrick Joseph, Aron Boyland, Pippa Crossland and Mica Sefia.


More Info

The venue at Breakpoint Recordings also has its very own micro bar with a selection of craft beers, lagers, wine, spirits and soft drinks.

Ticket sales end at 12pm on the day of the event - No tickets will be available on the door unless specified by Breakpoint Recordings.


Sold Out? Drop us an email on info@breakpointrecordings.com with the subject title 'SIGN ME UP!' and we'll add you to our exclusive events newsletter so you don't miss out next time.

Note: There is limited seating at the venue - to avoid disappointment, please arrive for the event start time, which coincides with the doors opening. There are steps on entry to the building, so we are very sorry, but unfortunately due to restrictions of the building management we cannot offer a ramp for wheelchair users at this time. There may be a small card processing fee, unfortunately Breakpoint Recordings cannot control this. We absorb all other fees where possible.


Breakpoint Sessions provide a base for bands to showcase their music, comedy, and creative skills in an intimate and comfortable venue.


Breakpoint Recordings Breakpoint Recordings, 24a Arrad Street, L7 7BP Liverpool


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